Persistent Atrial Fibrillation Using Arctic Front™ Cardiac Cryoablation System


When Disruptive Innovation Transforms Into Established AF Therapy

Karl-Heinz Kuck, Gian-Battista Chierchia, Ross Hunter, et al

Watch time: 1h 8m 1s


Improving AF Treatment Outcomes With First Line Cryoablation

Carina Blomström-Lundqvist, Jason G Andrade, Yassir Javaid, et al

Watch time: 59m 31s


Improving AF Treatment Outcomes With First Line Cryoablation

Carina Blomström-Lundqvist, Jason G Andrade, Yassir Javaid, et al

Watch time: 59m 31s


Overcoming Complex Anatomies with Cryoballoon Ablation

Neil Davidson, Gian-Battista Chierchia, KR Julian Chun, et al

Watch time: 50m 57s


When Disruptive Innovation Transforms Into Established AF Therapy

Karl-Heinz Kuck, Gian-Battista Chierchia, Ross Hunter, et al

Watch time: 1h 8m 1s



Arctic FrontTM cryoballoon ablation of atrial fibrillation has radically altered the landscape of electrophysiology, providing highly reproducible results for pulmonary vein isolation (cryo-PVI), and cryoablation with Arctic FrontTM cryoballoon is now routinely considered as equivalent in efficacy to radiofrequency ablation. This efficacy and safety profile of cryo-PVI has also been translated across to our persistent AF patients, driven by the realisation that a PVI procedure provides an equivalent or better outcome than including empiric lines/fractionated electrogram ablation opened. This has greatly expanded the patient base for whom this could be a useful treatment. As we expand the population of patients who are ideally treated with cryoablation, and increase the numbers of centres undertaking the procedure, we must remain mindful of best practices and incremental improvements in the field.  


We very much hope you enjoy the featured articles in this collection and find them useful in the delivery of best-practice treatment for your patients.


Dr Malcolm Finlay


Efficacy of Cryoablation in Patients with Obesity


30 June 2022


Journal of Asian Pacific Society of Cardiology 2022;1:e15.