Peter O’Kane

Consultant Interventional Cardiologist


Royal Bournemouth Hospital, Bournemouth, UK

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Dr Peter O'Kane has been Editor-in-Chief of Interventional Cardiology: Reviews, Research, Resources (ICR3) since July 2021.

Dr Peter O’Kane was appointed as a consultant interventional cardiologist at Royal Bournemouth Hospital in July 2007 and has performed more than 7000 PCI cases. He has extensive experience with coronary physiology and intra-coronary imaging to guide intervention and the many tools and techniques to manage bifurcations, calcification and chronic occlusions.

Dr O'Kane has given his permission to be contacted here.




Approaches to Bifurcation Management

Evald Høj Christiansen, Sean Gallagher, Tom Johnson, et al

Watch time: 1h 15m 14s


Navigating Through Mechanistic Features and Treatment Strategies During…

Peter O’Kane

Watch time: 1h 8m 10s


Bioresorbable Vascular Scaffolds: The Future in Our Hands?

Peter O’Kane

Watch time: 1h 19s

Articles by Peter O’Kane, Consultant Interventional Cardiologist

Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in the UK: Recommendations of the British Cardiovascular Intervention Society

Nick Curzen, Helen Routledge, Samuel McGrath, et al


Citation: Interventional Cardiology 2025;20:e01.

Combination Tools for Calcium Modification from RASER to Orbitalshock

Jonathan Hinton, Peter O’Kane,


Citation: Interventional Cardiology 2024;19:e18.

Artificial Intelligence for the Interventional Cardiologist: Powering and Enabling OCT Image Interpretation

Nitin Chandramohan, Jonathan Hinton, Peter O’Kane, et al


Citation: Interventional Cardiology 2024;19:e03

Sudden Cardiac Death in Ischaemic Cardiomyopathy and the Primary Prevention ICD: Time for a More a Personalised Approach?

Saad M Ezad, Girish Babu, Peter O’Kane, et al


Citation: Interventional Cardiology 2023;18:e11.

Contemporary Management of Stent Failure

Nikhil Pal, Jehangir Din, Peter O’Kane, et al

Citation:, July 2019

Contemporary Management of Stent Failure: Part One

Nikhil Pal, Jehangir Din, Peter O’Kane, et al


Citation: Interventional Cardiology Review 2019;14(1):10–6

Coronary Intervention with the Excimer Laser: Review of the Technology and Outcome Data

John Rawlins, Jehangir Din, Suneel Talwar, et al

Citation: Interventional Cardiology Review 2016;11(1):27–32

AXXESS™ Stent: Delivery Indications and Outcomes

John Rawlins, Jehangir Din, Suneel Talwar, et al

Citation: Interventional Cardiology Review 2015;10(2):85–9