Sayan Sen

Sayan Sen

Lead, Cardiology

Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust

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Dr Sayan Sen leads the Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust cardiology service for central and west London. 

Dr Sen studied medicine at University College London (UCL), achieving a first class (honours) BSc degree in medical sciences and neuroscience in 2000. He graduated with distinction in his final MBBS examinations in 2003. Dr Sen's academic awards include the Royal Society of Medicine Investigator of the Year Award (All Sections, 2013), the Royal Society of Medicine President's Gold Medal (cardiology section, 2013), the prestigious Imperial College Armstrong Medal and Prize (2012), the Young Investigator Award at the British Cardiac Intervention Society Advanced Coronary Intervention meeting (2012), and the Young Investigator Prize at the Translating Coronary Physiology and Biophysics to Clinical Applications Symposium, Amsterdam (2010). He was shortlisted as a Young Investigator finalist at the British Hypertension Society and Artery meetings (2010).

Dr Sen's research has been published in leading cardiology journals and has changed clinical practice around the world. In 2009, he was awarded the prestigious Medical Research Council (MRC) Clinical Research Training Fellowship to study the haemodynamic changes in coronary artery bypass grafts, diseased coronary arteries and the haemodynamic changes associated with percutaneous aortic valve insertion.

Dr Sen's expertise include :
Chest pain, palpitations, shortness of breath, dizziness and blackouts, hypertension, hypersholesterolaemia, coronary artery disease, heart attacks (STEMI, NSTEMI), valvular heart disease, severe aortic stenosis - TAVI, pacemakers



Where it Started, How it's Going: Building Experience

Michael Mullen, Sayan Sen, Kamran Baig, et al

Articles by Sayan Sen, Lead, Cardiology

After RIPCORD 2, FAME 3, FLOWER-MI and FUTURE: Has the Pressure Wire had its Day?

Bhavik Modi, Subhabrata Dutta, Damien Collison, et al


Citation: Interventional Cardiology 2024;19:e09.

Management of Acute Coronary Syndromes During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic: Deviations from Guidelines and Pragmatic Considerations for Patients and Healthcare Workers

Henry Seligman, Sayan Sen, Sukhjinder Nijjer, et al


Citation: Interventional Cardiology Review 2020;15:e16.

Integrating Physiology into the DNA of Coronary Revascularisation – A Historical Perspective, Contemporary Review and Blueprint for the Future of Coronary Physiology

Sayan Sen, Justin E Davies,

Citation: Interventional Cardiology Review 2015;10(2):79–84