
PCR e-Course 2020: Mitral Valve Leaflet Adverse Events With Mitraclip

Published: 21 Jul 2020

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Dr Federico M Asch (MedStar Health Research Institute, Georgetown University, Washington DC, WA, US) discusses the latest findings from the Global EXPAND Study. Their research looked into mitral valve leaflet events with MitraClip (NTR/XTR). 
1. Can you briefly remind us what the EXPAND registry is and what it assesses?
2. What research have you conducted on leaflet adverse events?
3. What was the definition you used to confirm SLDAs and which generations of Mitraclip were analysed?
4. What were your findings?
5. How should this study influence future clinical practice, research and technology developments?
Recorded remotely from Washington, 2020.
Interviewer: Mirjam Boros
Recording editor: Natascha Wienand