
EVOLUT™ PRO+ TAVI Experience

Published: 09 Jun 2021

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In this video, Dr Didier Tchetche (Clinique Pasteur, Toulouse, FR) and Dr Gilbert Tang (Mount Sinai Hospital, New York, US) discuss the EVOLUT™ PRO+ TAVI platform that was recently CE marked.

Learn more about how the new Evolut™ PRO+ TAVI system translates to clinical benefits for SSAS patients and see how the importance of a lower delivering system does not compromise the valve performance. The faculty focus on the lower risk of vascular complications and a large valve's benefits with a pericardial wrap. Lastly, Dr Gilbert Tang outlines his experience with this new TAVI platform and gives an overview about the new clinical data available.


Introduction and Objectives 

Presentations and Discussions: 

The Corevalve Evolut™ platform evolution and key clinical data      
What is PRO+ and what is new? – New platform features
The lower DS profile and the lower risk of vascular complications
The new 34mm PRO+ valve - The importance of the pericardial wrap
The US experience with PRO+ platform

The cusp overlap technique with PRO+ (Optimize PRO study)



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