
EHRA 2019: RAISE CRT Trial

Published: 29 Apr 2019

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Dr Jonathan M Behar, Barts Heart Centre, London, UK and Prof Michael Glikson, Shaare Zedek Medical Center, Jerusalem, IS discusses Speckle tracking radial strain imaging‑guided lead placement for improving response to CRT in patients with ischemic CMP.

1. What was the preface for the study? 
2. What leads were used for implantation?
3. For the image-guided arm, how was the data transmitted from the echo in order to guide implantation?
4. What were the results from this study?
5. Do you think the new modalities make a difference or do we need to look at alternative modalities?
6.  What's your opinion on appropriate response measures?
7. What do you see as the 'next steps' for image guidance? 

Interviewer: Dr Jonathan M Behar 
Videographer: Tom Brown 

Filmed on site at EHRA 2019 by Radcliffe Cardiology.