
ACC 2020: Radial-Artery or Saphenous-Vein Grafts in Coronary-Artery Bypass Surgery

Published: 01 Apr 2020

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Prof Mario FL Gaudino (New York-Presbyterian Weill Cornell Medical Center, New York, NY, US) summarises the findings of Radial-Artery or Saphenous-Vein Grafts (SVG) in Coronary-Artery Bypass Surgery.


1. Could you describe the study design, inclusion criteria and endpoints?
2. Why did you conduct this study?
3. How long have these patients been followed and what are your key findings?
4. What conclusions should be made?
5. Should radial be the default strategy for CABG moving forward?
6. Where would SVG be preferred?
7. What further research should be conducted based on this data?


Filmed remotely from New York.

Interviewer: Victoria Perroud