Divaka Perera

Divaka Perera


Guy’s & St Thomas’ Hospital and King’s College London, London

  • Radcliffe


Prof Divaka Perera is a Professor of Interventional Cardiology in the School of Cardiovascular Medicine & Sciences and an Honorary Cardiologist at Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital. He graduated in medicine from Cambridge University, undertook cardiology specialist training in London and Sussex and received a Clinical Senior Lectureship Award from the Higher Education Funding Council for England in 2008. In 2013, he received the BCS Michael Davies Early Career Award for contribution to cardiovascular science. 

He runs a translational research programme into the mechanisms and consequences of reduced blood supply to the heart muscle in chronic coronary artery disease, acute myocardial infarction and valve disease. He is also involved in designing and performing multicentre clinical trials to evaluate novel treatments for patients with ischaemic heart disease. He is the chief investigator of the NIHR-funded UK multi-centre randomised control trial REVIVED, which seeks to clarify the role of revascularisation in patients with ischaemic left ventricular dysfunction and is currently enrolling patients. 

In addition to his clinical and research roles, Dr Perera teaches undergraduate medical students and supervises postgraduate researchers towards MSc, MD and PhD degrees at King’s College London.



TIO Mechanical Circulatory Support 2023

Nicolas M Van Mieghem, Holger Thiele, Giuseppe Tarantini, et al

Articles by Divaka Perera

Revascularisation for Ischaemic Cardiomyopathy

Matthew E Li Kam Wa, Saba Z Assar, Ajay J Kirtane, et al


Citation: Interventional Cardiology 2023;18:e24.