Jan Steffel

Jan Steffel

Senior Consultant in Electrophysiology and Devices

Hirslanden Clinic, Zürich, Switzerland

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Professor Jan Steffel is a Cardiologist and Senior Consultant in Electrophysiology and Devices at the Hirslanden Clinic in Zurich and Professor of Cardiology at the University of Zurich.

He has over 150 publications in international and national journals and is board-certified in Internal Medicine and Cardiology.  He was Associate Editor for the European Heart Journal from 2012 and became Deputy Editor in 2017. He is a member of the Foederatio Medicorum Helveticorum (FMH), Swiss Society for General Internal Medicine (SGAIM), Swiss Society for Cardiology (SGK) and European Society of Cardiology (ESC).

Since 2012, Prof Steffel has been involved with the EHRA Certification Committee, which he has been co-chairing with Jens Cosedis Nielsen since 2015. He has co-authored two books on General Cardiology and Anticoagulation, as well as two iOS/Android Applications, each covering 150 multimodal multiple choice questions from the respective fields.

Prof Steffel holds EHRA and IBHRE Certifications in both Invasive Electrophysiology and Cardiac Devices.

His primary research focus is in the field of anticoagulation for stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation as well as novel technologies in cardiac devices.  His clinical specialities include:

  • Cardiac arrhythmias
  • Invasive electrophysiology
  • Pacemaker, ICD, CRT therapy

