






Improving Prevention of Strokes: New Developments in the Field of Early Detection of Afib

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AFib is the leading cause of stroke, contributing to 20%-30% of all strokes1 Furthermore, strokes from this condition are more disabling and more often fatal than strokes with other causes2. Consequences of strokes can severely compromise the survivor’s ability to live their life at the fullest, as a stroke happens in the brain, the control centre for who we are and what we can do.

While AFib can present no subjective symptoms in many cases, those commonly associated with the condition include3palpitations (being aware of your heart beating fast), breathlessness, chest pain and fatigue.

Join the discussion about how we can improve the prevention of strokes: the scientific relevance, patients at risk, as well as examples of patient cases. Ask a question during the Q&A.



Faizel Osman

Faizel Osman

Barry McDonnell

Barry McDonnell

Lucy Gilbert

Lucy Gilbert

Yassir Javaid

Yassir Javaid

This broadcast is supported by


Session 1

Welcome and Introduction

Session 2

ESC2020 guidelines for diagnosis and management of atrial fibrillation explained
Prof Faizel Osman

Session 3

Early detection of AFib: crucial in the prevention of strokes
Barry McDonnell

Session 4

Patients’ experiences using OMRON Complete and its role in self-management of Atrial Fibrillation
Lucy Gilbert

Session 5

Live Q&A
All faculty

Key Learning Objectives

  • Defining and diagnosing AF
  • Risk factors in AF
  • Stroke prevention in AF
  • Treatment options available for the AF
  • Latest ESC guidance

Target Audience

  • General Practitioners
  • Practice Nurses
  • GPs with special interest in cardiology
  • Hypertension specialists

Faculty Biographies

Faizel Osman

Faizel Osman

Prof Osman is Consultant Cardiologist / Electrophysiologist, University Hospital Coventry, UK, Honorary Professor of Cardiology (Warwick Medical School)
Lead for Cardiac Rhythm Management Several research interests in the field of arrhythmia, including CRT response, AF and Ablation.

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Barry McDonnell

Barry McDonnell

Dr Barry McDonnell is a Reader in Cardiovascular Physiology. His research programme aims to understand the interactions between blood pressure and large artery haemodynamics in the development and progression of cardiovascular disease.

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Lucy Gilbert

Lucy Gilbert

Lucy is Innovation Lead at University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust.

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Yassir Javaid

Yassir Javaid

Dr Yassir Javaid, Cardiovascular & Diabetes Lead Northamptonshire CCG, UK. Qualified from Cambridge University and completed his GP VTS training in Northampton.

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Key References

1. European Society of Cardiology https://www.escardio.org/The-ESC/Press-Office/Press-releases/Atrial-fibrillation-set-to-affect-more-than-14-million-over-65s-in-the-EU-by-2060

2. ESC Guidelines 2020 for diagnosis and management of atrial fibrillation.

3. Esato M, Chun YH, An Y, et al. Clinical Impact of Asymptomatic Presentation Status in Patients With Paroxysmal and Sustained Atrial Fibrillation: The Fushimi AF Registry. Chest. 2017;152(6):1266-1275.