Symphony Academy™: Medical Education Hosted by Circle Cardiovascular Imaging

Published: 05 April 2021

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    Now Playing
    Part 3 | Session 6 of 19
    CT Affirmed Reimbursement
    Tilman Emrich, Timothy Albert, Amedeo Chiribiri, Christopher Schneeweis
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  • episode_image
    3m 17s
    Part 3 | Session 7 Advantages Of CMR
    Tilman Emrich, Timothy Albert, Amedeo Chiribiri, Christopher Schneeweis
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    3m 24s
    Part 3 | Session 8 CMR Protocols
    Tilman Emrich, Timothy Albert, Amedeo Chiribiri, Christopher Schneeweis
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    2m 7s
    Part 3 | Session 9 CMR Cost Effectiveness
    Tilman Emrich, Timothy Albert, Amedeo Chiribiri, Christopher Schneeweis
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    4m 16s
    Part 3 | Session 10 CMR Current Global Reimbursement
    Tilman Emrich, Timothy Albert, Amedeo Chiribiri, Christopher Schneeweis
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    3m 22s
    Part 3 | Session 11 CT-FFR Or Stress CMR
    Tilman Emrich, Timothy Albert, Amedeo Chiribiri, Christopher Schneeweis
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    5m 13s
    Part 3 | Session 12 CMR Services
    Tilman Emrich, Timothy Albert, Amedeo Chiribiri, Christopher Schneeweis
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    2m 45s
    Part 3 | Session 13 Challenges – Competitive Modalities
    Tilman Emrich, Timothy Albert, Amedeo Chiribiri, Christopher Schneeweis
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    4m 35s
    Part 3 | Session 14 Challenges – Education
    Tilman Emrich, Timothy Albert, Amedeo Chiribiri, Christopher Schneeweis
  • episode_image
    2m 58s
    Part 3 | Session 15 Increasing CMR Referrals
    Tilman Emrich, Timothy Albert, Amedeo Chiribiri, Christopher Schneeweis
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    1m 10s
    Part 3 | Session 16 INCA Study Case
    Tilman Emrich, Timothy Albert, Amedeo Chiribiri, Christopher Schneeweis
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    2m 33s
    Part 3 | Session 17 Super Fast Or Holistic Protocol
    Tilman Emrich, Timothy Albert, Amedeo Chiribiri, Christopher Schneeweis
  • episode_image
    2m 51s
    Part 3 | Session 18 Future Of CMR – Role Of AI
    Tilman Emrich, Timothy Albert, Amedeo Chiribiri, Christopher Schneeweis
  • episode_image
    4m 8s
    Part 3 | Session 19 Conclusions
    Tilman Emrich, Timothy Albert, Amedeo Chiribiri, Christopher Schneeweis
  • episode_image
    3m 15s
    Part 1 | Session 1 Introduction Matthias Friedrich, Sven Plein, Dudley Pennell, João L Cavalcante, Chiara Bucciarelli-Ducci, Subha V Raman, Tilman Emrich, Timothy Albert, Amedeo Chiribiri, Christopher Schneeweis
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    6m 40s
    Part 1 | Session 6 SMART
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    2m 44s
    Part 3 | Session 1 US Chest Pain Guidelines Tilman Emrich, Timothy Albert, Amedeo Chiribiri, Christopher Schneeweis
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    2m 25s
    Part 3 | Session 2 CMR Guidelines Europe Tilman Emrich, Timothy Albert, Amedeo Chiribiri, Christopher Schneeweis
  • episode_image
    2m 52s
    Part 3 | Session 3 CMR Guidelines UK Tilman Emrich, Timothy Albert, Amedeo Chiribiri, Christopher Schneeweis
  • episode_image
    1m 51s
    Part 3 | Session 4 Impact Of CMR Guidelines Tilman Emrich, Timothy Albert, Amedeo Chiribiri, Christopher Schneeweis
  • episode_image
    2m 6s
    Part 3 | Session 5 CT vs CMR Tilman Emrich, Timothy Albert, Amedeo Chiribiri, Christopher Schneeweis
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Circle Cardiovascular Imaging Inc. develops world class, advanced reading and reporting solutions for cardiac imaging. Circle is a prominent company for the global cardiac imaging community bringing together an experienced and qualified team of over 150 people.


Circle’s imaging platform, cvi42, is the best-in-class cardiovascular imaging reading and reporting solution for cardiac MR, cardiac CT, cardiac Interventional Planning and Electrophysiology. Annually, millions of cardiac exams - in over 1,000 hospitals and in more than 40 countries - are interpreted using cvi42, giving physicians the tools to accurately quantify and diagnose complex cardiovascular diseases whilst improving patient outcomes and the effective utilisation of healthcare resources. Currently at version 5.13.5, cvi42 fully embeds AI into one easy to use platform demonstrating capabilities within the same range as expert human readers.


Circle CVI recently launched the Symphony Academy as part of an effort to develop a global community for Medical Education. The aim is to provide an educational platform to share information that empowers and creates the conditions to achieve the best possible outcomes for patients.

We will be updating this page throughout the year with content designed to engage and educate viewers about the current state of cardiovascular imaging, help identify the meaningful technological advances we have already seen in reducing workflows and increasing efficiencies and interpret how future technology will continue to push the boundaries of cardiovascular imaging.  You can also click HERE to listen to more audio talks in the Symphony Academy Educational Programme.

Symphony Academy Key Learning Objectives

  • Recognize how state-of-the-art imaging diagnostics is contributing to improved outcomes in the treatment of CVD
  • Identify the impact of current technological advances in reducing workflows and increasing efficiencies
  • Interpret how future technology will continue to push the boundaries of cardiovascular imaging
  • Recognize CMR evolution and achievements in history and expand on latest trend and reporting habits

Target Audience

  • Imaging Specialists
  • Cardiologists and Interventional Cardiologists
  • Radiologists
  • Electrophysiologists
  • Technologists

More from this programme

Part 1

The Future of Cardiovascular Imaging Summit

A Symphony Academy™ Medical Education Panel Discussion recorded at the SCMR Congress in February 2021. Hear from a world renowned panel of experts as they discuss state-of-the-art imaging diagnostics and interpret how future technology will continue to push the boundaries of cardiovascular imaging. Moderator: Professor Matthias Friedrich. Panel: Professor Dudley Pennell, Professor Sven Plein and Dr João Cavalcante.

Part 2

Routine use of CMR in Patients with Cardiovascular Disease

3 renowned experts define everyday challenges in CMR clinical routine and give insights and strategies about solving those, to increase confidence and thus adoption of CMR in clinical practice. A Peer-to-Peer expert discussion, recorded at the 2021 EuroCMR Congress, chaired by Professor Dudley Pennell with Dr Chiara Bucciarelli-Ducci and Dr Subah Raman.

Part 3

The Dark Side of CMR: How To Dismantle The Wall Brick by Brick

Dive into this panel discussion with our experts around state-of-the-art CMR and what the future holds for one of the most powerful diagnostic techniques of all time. Recorded as part of the SCMR 2022 Congress there is a review of current CMR guidelines and the faculty address the clinical benefits, with a particular focus on starting a brand new CMR program and what challenges this can hold. Finally they take a closer look to the near future and how to implement innovative solutions into routine clinical practice, with a particular focus on fully automated and quantitative perfusion. Moderated by Dr Tillman Emrich with Dr Tim Albert, Professor Amedeo Chiribiri and Dr Christopher Schneeweis.

Part 4

Congenital and Adult CVD Post-Processing

Interested in learning more about Congenital and Adult CVD Post-Processing? These hands-on sessions recorded at the SCMR congress in February 2022 will enable you to learn how to use Artificial Intelligence algorithms to perform CMR post-processing in the most common Adult and Congenital Cardiomyopathies, operate with indication driven protocols within cvi42 to assess and report the most common cardiovascular diseases, in the smaller number of clicks and recognise when and where to apply most advanced post-processing techniques in cvi42 (Quantitative Perfusion, Strain, 4D Flow analysis).

Faculty Biographies

Tilman Emrich

Tilman Emrich

Post-Doctoral Researcher

Dr Tilman Emrich is currently working as a post-doctoral researcher at the Department of Radiology and Radiological Science, Division of Cardiovascular Research, Medical University of South Carolina, US. Before, Tilman was working as a junior consultant specialized in cardiovascular imaging at the University Medical Center Mainz, Germany. After residency, he earned his board certification in diagnostic radiology in 2015, followed by certifications for cardiac imaging (CT and MR) in 2017.

His main scientific interests focus on multiparametric cardiac imaging in a general population and disease cohorts, and advanced post-processing of cardiac CT and MRI as well as impact of image acceleration on cardiac imaging biomarkers. He is a registered young scientist at the German Center for Cardiovascular Research (DZHK) and a past member of the Young Club of the…

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Timothy  Albert

Timothy Albert

CEO and Executive Medical Director

Dr Timothy Albert is Chief Medical and Product Officer, Circle Cardiovascular Imaging.

Dr Albert has successfully worked in senior healthcare management positions, the medical technology space, and clinical practice. Previously he served as Executive Medical Director of Huntington Hospital’s medical foundation, Huntington Health Physicians, located in Pasadena, CA. 

In addition to advisory positions in the healthcare industry Dr Albert has held positions with the American College of Cardiology’s Cardiovascular Imaging Section Leadership Council, has been an elected Trustee for the international board of the Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (SCMR), and a member of the board of directors of the Duke University Cardiovascular Cooperative Society. Dr Albert has been the primary author or co-author on over two dozen review articles, book chapters, and original scientific publications…

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Amedeo  Chiribiri

Amedeo Chiribiri

Professor of Cardiovascular Imaging

Amedeo Chiribiri is King's CoProfessor of Cardiovascular Imaging at King's College London and Director of Cardiac MRI at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust. The major aim of his current research is the investigation of novel cardiac MR techniques for the non-invasive assessment of cardiac structure and function. In particular, Prof Chiribiri’s research focuses on quantification of myocardial blood flow (perfusion) and on the development of novel methods for ischaemia detection and differential diagnosis based on advanced coronary physiology modelling and machine learning, with a strong emphasis on rapid translation of new methodology into the clinic practice to evaluate benefit for the patients.

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Christopher Schneeweis

Christopher Schneeweis

Founder and Senior Consultant

Dr Christopher Schneeweis is a founder and senior consultant at Herz-MRT Rheinland – Institute for Cardiovascular Imaging in Germany.

Christopher has almost 10 years of experience in cardiovascular imaging and held a post as senior consultant at Krankenhaus der Augustinerinnen „Severinsklösterchen“ Cologne – Clinic for internal medicine, cardiology and intensive care – fostering and optimising the use of cardiovascular imaging (CMR and CT). Christopher has also lectured in the CMR Academy in Berlin and at Charite’, Berlin.

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