
Parallax: The Year 2023 in Review with Dr Sukh Nijjer

Published: 19 Dec 2023

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In this week's Parallax, Dr Ankur Kalra welcomes back Dr Sukhjinder Nijjer for their much-anticipated annual review of advancements in cardiovascular medicine that defined the year 2023.

Dr Nijjer, a Consultant Cardiologist in the UK, serves as the President of the Royal Society of Medicine and is an Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer at Imperial College London.

Drs Kalra and Nijjer share their perspectives and experiences, offering valuable insights, practical tips and considerations when interpreting this year’s most impactful trials:

•    ORBITA-2 (AHA Scientific Sessions): PCI for stable angina
•    FIRE (ESC Congress): Functional versus culprit-only revascularization in elderly patients with myocardial infarction and multivessel disease
•    DAPA-MI (AHA Scientific Sessions): SGLT2i in MI without diabetes or heart failure
•    ILUMIEN IV (ESC Congress): OCT vs angiography-guided PCI
•    OCTOBER (ESC Congress): OCT or Angiography Guidance for PCI in Complex Bifurcation Lesions
•    ARTESIA (ESC Congress): Apixaban for Stroke Prevention in Subclinical Atrial Fibrillation
•    SELECT (AHA Scientific Sessions): Semaglutide and Cardiovascular Outcomes in Obesity without Diabetes

What are the most impactful cardiovascular trials of 2023? How do Dr Kalra and Dr Nijjer integrate the latest information into their daily practices?

Prefer listening to the annual wrap up? Check out the podcast version here!


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