
CardioNerds @AHA23: ORBITA-2: PCI for Stable Angina

Published: 15 Nov 2023

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AHA 2023 — Investigators of ORBITA-2 trial, Dr Rasha Al-Lamee and Dr Christopher Rajkumar (Imperial College London, UK) talked with CardioNerds Ambassador, Dr Nazli Okumus about the randomised, placebo-controlled trial (NCT03742050) that compared the effects of coronary angioplasty versus placebo procedure on symptoms of stable angina without background anti-anginal therapy at 12 weeks.

The ORBITA-2 trial enrolled  439 patients eligible for percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), who met specific inclusion criteria. These criteria included the presence of angina or angina-equivalent symptoms, the presence of anatomical evidence showing severe coronary stenosis in at least one vessel as determined through invasive diagnostic angiography or computerized tomography coronary angiography (CTCA), as well as the manifestation of evidence indicating myocardial ischemia. The primary outcome is an angina symptom score measured daily. 

Findings suggest that in stable angina, PCI without anti-anginal therapy improved angina symptom score, reduced angina frequency, increased exercise capacity and improved quality of life. The effect of PCI was immediate and sustained over 12 weeks, however, this effect size was smaller than in comparable unblinded trials. 

Recorded on-site at AHA 2023, Philadelphia.

Supported by an educational grant from Novo Nordisk Inc. This content is not intended for UK HCPs.


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