ISCP: A to Z of CV Pharmacotherapy Webinar Series

Published: 26 May 2022

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The International Society of Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy (ISCP) are pleased to present a collection of six webinars as part of their A to Z of Pharmacotherapy Series. 

Published every other month until Dec 2022, these 60-min webinars feature expert panellists, speakers and moderators with live Q&A audiences and EBAC accreditation (1 CME point) for all live views. 

This series is ideal for doctors, nurses, pharmacists, family physicians, internists, healthcare students and cardiovascular therapy researchers.

We value your opinion. Take 3 minutes to give us feedback on the series. 

This webinar series is an independent activity run by the International Society of Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy (ISCP) and hosted by Radcliffe Cardiology. Radcliffe Cardiology and any supporters have had no influence on the content of the programme. No supporters have provided any funding to Radcliffe Cardiology:

Faculty Biographies

David Sim

David Sim



Dr David Sim is a senior consultant in the cardiology department at the National Heart Centre in Singapore.


Academic History

  • Royal College of Physicians (UK) diploma, 2004
  • Masters of Medicine (Internal Medicine), National University of Singapore, 2004
  • Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery, National University of Singapore, 2004


Career Overview

Dr Sim is the director of both the heart failure programme and the clinical trial research office and plays an active role as coordinator in a number of major global heart failure trials. He is a committee member of the adult heart transplant programme in the NHCS and is the project director for the advanced care planning programme.1

He has worked as an associate professor at the…

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Maurizio Volterrani

Maurizio Volterrani

Head of the Cardiological Rehabilitation Unit

Full Professor in of Exercise Science and Medicine at San Raffaele Telematic University of Rome. Head of the Cardiac Pulmonary Department at IRCCS San Raffaele in Rome. Prof Volterrani’s main research interests include heart failure, exercise training in cardiac rehabilitation, telemedicine, hyperkalaemia and kidney failure . He is and has been principal investigator in multiple international clinical trials mainly related to heart failure.

He is a Board Member and Fellow of the Heart Failure Association (HFA) of the European Society of Cardiology and holds the following positions:

  • Coordinator the Exercise Physiology and Training Committee of the HFA
  • Coordinator of Endorsement Committee for Higher Educatio of the HFA
  • Co-coordinator of the Registry and Epidemiology Committee of the HFA
  • HFA Liaison officer of the ESC Digital Committee
  • Member of the HFA Study Group on Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Frailty
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Chan Hong

Chan Hong


Mr Chan Hong is an ambulatory Pharmacist in National Heart Centre Singapore (NHCS). He is currently involved in managing ambulatory clinics in areas of anticoagulation, smoking cessation and heart failure management.

He is a keen advocate for patient empowerment and education to improve disease prevention and public health. He is currently involved in the formulation and review of Patient Medication-Information Leaflets (PILs) for the Singhealth cluster and the national workgroup.


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Daniel Lighezan

Daniel Lighezan

Professor and Chief of the Internal Medicine Clinic

After completing his training in internal medicine and cardiology, including a “Deutscher Akademischer Austausch-Dienst” scholarship he joined the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Victor Babes” Timisoara, Romania, Internal Medicine and Cardiology Clinic, where he provides clinical care, supervises trainees, administers the clinic, and conducts research on heart failure, hypertension, myocardial infarction, atrial fibrillation and other arrhythmias, to enhance our knowledge and the quality of patient care.

He has been actively involved in teaching and supervision of medical students and residents since he joined the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Victor Babes” Timisoara. In addition, he lectures regularly in clinical medicine and semiology in the third year. Furthermore, he is organizing courses on internal medicine held for residents. He also lectures on national and international level courses on cardiology and internal medicine.

Beginning from March…

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Franco Cheng

Franco Cheng


Mr Franco Cheng is a lecturer at the Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy at University of Hong Kong. Prior to joining HKU as a pharmacist in 2021, Franco worked in both private and public hospitals in Hong Kong with extensive exposure to cardiology.

He received his Bachelor's Degree in Pharmacy from The Chinese University of Hong Kong and then went on to study a Master in Clinical Pharmacy at the same institution.

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