
EHRA 2019: Radi-CRT Study

Published: 29 Apr 2019

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Dr Jonathan Behar, Barts Heart Centre, London, UK and Dr Manav Sohal, New Victoria Hospital, Kingston-upon-Thames, UK and Prof Christopher Aldo Rinaldi,  Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK - discussing - Radi-CRT study: pressure wire guided cardiac resynchronisation therapy.

1. Can you tell me what does the study aim to address?
2. Who was involved?
3. How is contractility measured in the ventricle?
4. What were the population results?
5. What were the procedural characteristics?
6. How many veins were studied per patient?
7. What were the main findings?
8. How does these results translate to modern CRT in 2019?
9. Were the results of the non-ischaemic sub-group significant?
10. What is a practical solution for CRT implanters?
11. What non-invasive metrics should be explored in the future?
12. What are the key tips to success for CRT implantation?

Interviewer: Dr Jonathan Behar
Videographer: Tom Brown 

Filmed on site at EHRA 2019 by Radcliffe Cardiology.