
Heart Transplantation in ACHD

Published: 10 Nov 2020

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In this video discussion, Dr Aniket Rali, an editorial board member for CFR journal, meets with Dr Jonathan Menachem (Vanderbilt University, TN, US), director of advanced cardiac therapies for congenital patients, to discuss issues surrounding adult congenital heart disease (ACHD) and heart failure (HF). Hear them discuss his unique skill set, having experience in both transplant cardiology and advanced therapies for adults with congenital heart disease (ACHD), the past and present treatment options and issues for CHD and how the future is now looking brighter for these patients. 


1. How did you first get interested in ACHD?
2. What advise does he have for fellows wanting to follow a similar training pathway?
3. What changes have you seen in the field for adult congenital heart patients?
4. What are the challenges in expanding resources to ACHD patient populations?
5. How reliable are available methods to identify patient readiness for transplant?
6. Have you seen an uptake in the availability of Hep-C organs for transplant in ACHD patients?
7. What do you see for the future of ACHD treatment?


Feel free to reach out to Dr Menachem directly with questions at: or follow him on Twitter @menachem_J.