
Acticor/Rivacor ICD and CRT-D Family with the Plexa ProMRI S DX Lead

Published: 24 May 2019

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Dr Mauro Biffi (University of Bologna, IT) discusses the Acticor/Rivacor ICD and CRT-D Family with the Plexa ProMRI S DX Lead.


  1. What were your key observations regarding the implantation procedure with Rivacor devices? 
  2. What are the main benefits of the new Rivacor ICDs and CRT-Ds for your patients?
  3. Rivacor devices feature BIOTRONIK’s DX Technology. Why do you consider this important? 
  4. What kind of patients would benefit most of this technology?
  5. You are an investigator of the “Less is More” study. Could you elaborate on it?