
ACC 2018: TREAT Late Breaking Trial

Published: 12 Mar 2018

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Explore the safety and efficacy of ticagrelor compared with clopidogrel in patients with acute coronary syndrome with ST elevation treated with thrombolysis - ACC 2018

An expert peer-to-peer discussion on the latest data to come out of the TREAT trial and its implications for clinical practice.

Sunday 11th March 2018 @ 15:00 EST
ACC.18 Congress, Orlando, FL
Discussants: Dr Christopher Granger (US) & Prof José C Nicolau (São Paolo, Brazil)


Dr Christopher Granger, Duke University, North Carolina, US


Dr Granger, MD is a Professor of Medicine in the Division of Cardiology and a member of the Duke Clinical Research Institute, Duke University School of Medicine in North Carolina, USA. Dr Granger is a Fellow of the American College of Cardiology, the American Heart Association and of the European Society of Cardiology. His primary research interests are in the conduct and methodology of large randomized trials in heart disease. He is Associate Editor of the American Heart Journal and serves on the editorial board of the Journal of American College of Cardiology.


Prof José C Nicolau, Director of the Clinical Unit of Acute Coronary Disease of the Heart Institute - InCor / HCFMUSP, University of São Paolo, Brazil

Professor Nicolau’s main area of research includes the broad spectrum of coronary artery disease (mainly ACS), including hyperglycemia, LV remodeling, platelet reactivity, and antithrombotic therapy. He has participated in more than 80 international multicenter clinical trials, serving as a member of their steering, executive, or international committees in most of them.