ACC Rockies 2020
Attendees often include cardiologists, cardiovascular clinicians and investigators, cardiovascular & thoracic surgeons, and other health professionals with cardiovascular interests, including internal medicine specialists, emergency medicine specialists, GPs, nurses, pharmacists, physician assistants, fellows-in-training, technologists, and radiologists.
Join these speakers with many other recognized experts in their field to discuss a variety of topical subjects, including:
- Artificial intelligence in medicine
- Clinical trials, registries, and confounding
- Complete revascularization in ACS and SIHD
- Antiplatelet and antithrombotic therapy in stable CAD
- Optimizing heart failure treatment in stable outpatients
- Atrial fibrillation and left ventricular dysfunction
- Post-procedural and long-term management of TAVI patients
- Post-MI follow up and sudden death prevention
- Management of clinically silent atrial fibrillation
- Pathophysiology and management of vasovagal syncope
- Marijuana and the CV system
- MINS treatment
- Case-based ECG interpretation
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