Xavier Iriart

Xavier Iriart

Consultant Cardiologist, University Hospital Bordeaux, France


Xavier Iriart is Head of Non-invasive Imaging at the Department of Paediatric and Adult Congenital Cardiology at the University Hospital of Bordeaux, France. Dr Iriart focusses on congenital and structural heart disease interventions, including on the LAA percutaneous programme and the percutaneous paravalvular leak closure programme, where his expertise includes 3D transoesophagial guiding. Dr Iniart is widely published in leading international journals on a range of subjects including cardiac computer tomography and left atrial appendage occlusion.



New Insights in LAAC Imaging

Sergio Berti, Xavier Iriart, Xavier Millan, et al

Watch time: 1h 24m 57s


LAAC Summit Module 2: Focus on imaging in LAAC

Ignacio Cruz, Xavier Iriart, Megan Coylewright, et al