Research areas
9/2021 Member of AGIK Nucleus
06/2021 "PhD" in internal medicine at Justus-Liebig University Gießen and Marburg, UKGM, entitled „Cardiac imaging for peri-procedural optimization of transcatheter aortic valve implantation“
10/2020 Director interventional valve therapy, Kerckhoff Heart Center, Dep. of cardiology and cardiac surgery, Bad Nauheim, Germany
10/2020 Director TAVI, Justus-Liebig University Gießen and Marburg, UKGM, Dep. of cardiology, Gießen, Germany
2020-2022 Member of EAPCI Scientific Documents & Initiatives Committee
04/2016 Qualification cardiac computed tomography Level III
01/2016 Qualification cardiac magnetic resonance tomography Level III
12/2015 Qualification magnetic resonance tomography – subspecialty
07/2016 Deputy head of qualification site for specialization in interventional cardiology
01/2015 Specialist interventional cardiology
04/2008 Specialist internal medicine and cardiology
10/2006 Specialist emergency medicine
09/2006 Specialist internal medicine
Publications (as of Nov 2021):
- Original publications: 39 first- and senior- authorships; 88 co-authorships
- Reviews: 7 first- und senior- authorships; 8 co-authorships
- Books: 3 co-authorships
- Case reports: 1 first- und senior- authorships; 6 co-authorships
- Commentaries/editorials: 6 first- and senior authorships; 1 co-authorships
- Total-Impact factor: 1500,8
Publication Awards:
- AGIK Publication Award 2014
- Publication Award "Freunde und Förderer der Kerckhoff Klinik" 2014
- TCTAP Best Abstract Award 2015
- AGIK Publication award 3rd place 2019
- Publication Award 3rd place "Freunde und Förderer der Kerckhoff Klinik" 2019
- Publication Award 1st place "Freunde und Förderer der Kerckhoff Klinik" 2020
Editorial Board Member:
- Cardiovascular Diagnosis and Therapy
- Interventional Cardiology Review
- International Journal of Cardiology
- Revista Española de Cardiología
Dr Won Keun Kim is an editorial board member of Interventional Cardiology: Reviews, Research, Resources (ICR3).