Raban V Jeger

Raban Jeger

Head of Cardiology


Stadtspital Zürich, Zürich, CH

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Dr Raban Jeger is a Senior physician at the Cardiology Clinic of the University Hospital Basel, Switzerland since 2017. 

Dr Jeger studied medicine at the Universities of Zurich and Geneva (1996 state examination, doctorate in 1999), and trained as an internist and cardiologist at Wil Hospital, Cantonal Hospital Olten and University Hospital Basel (2002 Swiss Federal Institute of Internal Medicine, 2006 Federal Cardiologist).

After a research stay at the NYU in New York City in the USA and an interventional fellowship at the Heart Center Leipzig in Germany, Prof. Jeger was appointed Senior Consultant for Interventional Cardiology in 2008 and Head of Structural Cardiology at the University Hospital Basel in 2017.

Dr Jeger is an editorial board member of Interventional Cardiology: Reviews, Research, Resources (ICR3) and with their permission may be contacted here.

Articles by Raban Jeger, Head of Cardiology

Drug-coated Balloons for Small Coronary Vessel Interventions: A Literature Review

Raban Jeger, Thomas Nestelberger,


Citation: Interventional Cardiology Review 2019;14(3):131–6.