




Conversations around persistent AF hybrid therapies: 1 Topic, 2 Continents, 3 Voices

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The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recently approved the EPi-Sense® System to treat patients diagnosed with long-standing persistent atrial fibrillation (AF). 

This is the only FDA approval of its kind—minimally invasive ablation therapy—patients with long-standing persistent atrial fibrillation (AF).

It significantly expands AF treatment options for this category of AF patients. With this therapy, the superiority trial showed a 35% difference in effectiveness at 18 months compared to endocardial RF ablation alone.

Incorporating both endocardial RF and epicardial therapies, the Hybrid AF Convergent procedure targets two areas where AF originates and creates transmural lesions that stop the onset of AF. This therapy may provide a long-term solution for appropriately selected patients with long-standing persistent AF.

This content was presented at EHRA 2021.


A John Camm

A John Camm

Hugh Calkins

Hugh Calkins

Claudio Tondo

Claudio Tondo

This webinar is supported by

Learning Objectives

  • Unmet treatment need in patients with advanced atrial fibrillation
  • Importance of non-pulmonary vein triggers
  • Evolution of Hybrid Convergent Therapy
  • Discussion on the future of hybrid approaches

Target Audience

  • Electrophysiologists
  • Cardiologists
  • Cardiothoracic Surgeons

Faculty Biographies

A John Camm

A John Camm

John Camm is British Heart Foundation Professor of Clinical Cardiology (Emeritus) at St George’s University of London, London, UK. His interests include cardiac arrhythmias, atrial fibrillation, stroke prevention, and anticoagulation.

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Hugh Calkins

Hugh Calkins

Dr Hugh Calkins is Professor of Medicine and Director of Electrophysiology at the Johns Hopkins Medical Institution in Baltimore, US.  

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Claudio Tondo

Claudio Tondo

Dr Claudio Tondo is the Chairman of the Heart Rhythm centre at Centro Cardiologico, University of Milan, Italy. Dr Tondo's interests range from clinical aspects of arrhythmias to genetics.

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