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16:00 デリー(インド) / 18:30 シンガポール / 19:30 東京(日本) / 20:30 シドニー(オーストラリア)にて、アジア太平洋オンラインシンポジウム「心拍管理」を開催いたしますので、是非ご参加ください。この会議は、患者の予後を改善するためのICD(植込み型除細動器)およびCRT-D両心室ペーシング機能付き植込み型除細動器技術の革新に焦点を当てます。

ウェビセミナーのパート1では、患者への遠隔モニタリング(特にアプリを使ったモニタリング)の導入が進んでいること、そしてそれがどのように心調律障害の患者の管理を再構築しているかをご紹介します。 後半では、SyncAV™ Plus CRTテクノロジー(患者の心臓の変化に合わせ自動的に両心室のペーシングタイミングの調整技術)がどのように血行動態を改善し、患者の予後を改善するか、また、致死的な不整脈を検出して治療するためのアルゴリズムの強化など、デバイス治療の進歩を取り上げます。 また、各分野の専門家によるパネルディスカッションでは、これらの機能強化が患者のQOL(生活の質)向上にどのような影響を与えるのかをご紹介します。


Harish Manyam

Harish Manyam

Jitendra Singh Makkar

Jitendra Singh Makkar

Peter Illes

Peter Illes

Chi-Keong Ching

Chi-Keong Ching

Michael Katcher

Michael Katcher

Chu-Pak Lau

Chu-Pak Lau

This webinar is supported by


6:30 - 6:50PM


6:50 - 7:10PM


7:10 - 7:20PM


7:20 - 7:40PM


7:40 - 8:00PM


8:00 - 8:10PM



  • アプリを使った遠隔モニタリングの最新機能が、どのように患者や医療関係者にメリットをもたらすのかを理解する。
  • アプリベースのモニタリングに関する専門家の経験やケーススタディを聞き、この技術がフォローアップケアをより効果的に行うためにどのように役立っているのかを知る。
  • 革新的なデバイスのアルゴリズムを用いてCRTの反応を最適化できるかを学ぶ。
  • 難易度の高い不整脈を検出・治療するための最新のアルゴリズムの改良や、患者の予後に与える影響について知る。


  • 心拍障害を持つ患者を管理する循環器内科医および医療従事者。

Faculty Biographies

Harish Manyam

Harish Manyam

Dr Harish Manyam received his training at Case Western Reserve University Hospitals (2012-2014) and stayed there as faculty and Assistant Professor of Medicine from 2013-2016. He served as the Head of the Lead Extraction Program at University Hospitals Case Western Reserve prior to joining the UT Cardiology group.

He serves as Chief of Cardiology, Director of Cardiovascular Research, and Head of the Atrial Fibrillation Center at Erlanger. He is actively involved with multiple research trials including monitoring the recurrence of atrial fibrillation, optimizing programing options in patients with biventricular defibrillators, and the assessment of lead extraction risk.

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Jitendra Singh Makkar

Jitendra Singh Makkar

Dr Jitendra Singh Makkar is a Senior Interventional Cardiologist & Electrophysiologist (Director of Cardiology, ETERNAL HOSPITAL-Jaipur India) with special interest and expertise in the field of clinical electrophysiology, pacemaker & heart failure device management.

He has two decades of experience in the field of Cardiology and has worked with leading Cardiac Institutes across country. He has done fellowship in complex arrhythmia ablation from Korea University Medical Centre Seoul. He has performed thousands of coronary angioplasties, RF Ablations, Pacemaker & heart failure devices.

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Peter Illes

Peter Illes

Dr Peter Illes graduated in Johannesburg, South Africa in 1980, and trained in internal medicine at the University of Capetown from 1990 to 1993. He then undertook training in Cardiology at the University of Newcastle Upon Tyne as the Senior Registrar to Professor RWFC Campbell, the president of the British Heart Foundation.

Dr Illes attained the FRACP in Australia in 1998 and is currently in private practice at the above locations. His present interests include pacemaker insertion and specialised pacing, such as biventricular systems for heart failure, defibrillator insertion, and all aspects of interventional and diagnostic cardiology.

He is currently the Director of the Coronary Care Unit and Director of Echocardiology Services at the Sydney Adventist Hospital, Senior Clinical lecturer at the Macquarie University Hospital and Consultant Cardiologist at Northern Beaches Hospital

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Michael Katcher

Michael Katcher

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Chi-Keong Ching

Chi-Keong Ching

Professor Chi-Keong Ching is a Senior Consultant with the Department of Cardiology and the Director of Cardiac Electrophysiology and Pacing at the National Heart Centre Singapore.

He completed his clinical fellowship in Cardiac Electrophysiology and Pacing at the Cleveland Clinic, USA, in 2007. He is currently teaching at the Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School as an Adjunct Associate Professor. 

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Chu-Pak Lau

Chu-Pak Lau

Professor Chu-Pak Lau is Honorary Clinical Professor of the Department of Medicine, Queen Mary Hospital, The University of Hong Kong.

He graduated in The University of Hong Kong in 1981 and received cardiology training in St. George's Hospital Medical School, Department of Cardiological Sciences, London, U.K.

His main research interest is on cardiac arrhythmias and implantable device therapy. He has published over 500 international papers, 28 chapters in cardiology textbooks on cardiac arrhythmias. He edited an international textbook on cardiac arrhythmia entitled ”Clinical Cardiac Pacing, Defibrillation and Resynchronization Therapy”.

Professor Lau is past president of Hong Kong College of Cardiology and World Society of Arrhythmia, and President of Asia Pacific Heart Rhythm Society (2019).

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