Where Do Potent P2Y12 Inhibitors Fit Into Current Practice? - Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS)

Published: 24 June 2022

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  • episode_image
    9m 31s
    Part 7 Q&A and Discussion
    Robert F Storey, Roxana Mehran, Kurt Huber, Dominick J Angiolillo
  • episode_image
    14m 41s
    Part 1 Unmet Needs in ACS Dominick J Angiolillo, Robert F Storey, Roxana Mehran, Kurt Huber
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This broadcast series 'Where Do Potent P2Y12 Inhibitors Fit Into Current Practice?' will reappraise potent P2Y12 inhibitors, as evidence accumulates to support their broader use. At this juncture, there is still some uncertainty around patient selection, initiation and long-term management.


The first broadcast in this series, focused on Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS). In this on-demand version of the live broadcast, Radcliffe Medical Education brings together a global faculty of experts in the field to look at current guidance, the landmark data, gaps in evidence and seeks to provide practical guidance.


Prof Rob Storey (Sheffield University, UK) moderates proceedings, and is joined by Prof Roxana Mehran (Mount Sinai Hospital, US), Prof Dominick Angiolillo (University of Florida College of Medicine-Jacksonville, US) and Prof Kurt Huber (Clinic Ottakring, AT) for a series of insightful presentations and discussions.


Catch up now on the other broadcasts in this series:

This broadcast series is supported by an unrestricted educational grant from AstraZeneca.

Key Learning Objectives

  • Recall current unmet needs in ACS
  • Summarise current use of antiplatelet therapy in ACS according to guidelines
  • Describe the mode of action of potent P2Y12 inhibitors
  • Identify settings where a potent P2Y12 inhibitor should be used in favour of clopidogrel
  • Summarise the results of head-to-head trials between clopidogrel and potent P2Y12 inhibitors
  • Select appropriate assessment criteria for ischaemic risk and bleeding risk
  • Identify patients in whom a medical therapy only approach could be used over invasive strategies
  • Use antiplatelet therapy effectively and safely for long-term management of ACS

Target Audience

  • General Cardiologists
  • Interventional Cardiologists
  • Nurses and any other allied HCPs

More from this programme

Part 1

Unmet Needs in ACS

In this first part, Prof Dominick Angiolillo discusses the current unmet needs in antiplatelet therapy, including the requirement for more data around optimal timing of P2Y12 inhibitors, and the need for antiplatelet therapy in long COVID.

Part 2

P2Y12 Inhibitors in ACS: The Journey So Far

Prof Kurt Huber provides a whistle-stop tour of P2Y12 inhibitors and how pivotal trials have informed current guidelines recommendations in ACS.

Part 3

Potent P2Y12 Inhibition

Prof Rob Storey provides an in-depth analysis of how potent P2Y12 inhibitors work and take a deep dive on a number of pivotal trials.

Part 4

Balancing Efficacy and Risk

Prof Roxana Mehran discusses the different tools for assessing bleeding and ischaemic risk and the relative advantages of individual scores.

Part 5

Medically Managed ACS

Prof Dominick Angiolillo considers which ACS patients are candidates for non-interventional treatment and how to select an antiplatelet regimen.

Part 6

Long-Term Management

Prof Rob Storey provides an overview of the evidence for long-term use of potent P2Y12 inhibitors and how to deal with adverse events.

Part 7

Q&A and Discussion

In this final chapter, Prof Rob Storey addresses questions received by the audience to our panel.

Faculty Biographies

Robert F Storey

Robert F Storey

Professor and Honorary Consultant in Cardiology

Prof Robert Storey is Academic Director and an honorary Consultant Cardiologist for the Cardiology and Cardiothoracic Surgery Directorate, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. He is Professor of Cardiology at the University of Sheffield, UK, where he has headed a platelet research group since 2002 within the Department of Cardiovascular Science.

He has a special interest in the management of ischaemic heart disease, including acute coronary syndromes and coronary intervention. He served as a member of the executive committees for the PLATO and PEGASUS studies, leading the platelet function substudies for these trials, and of the steering committee for the TRA-CER, EPICOR and ATLANTIC studies. He is currently a member of the steering committee for the COMPLETE study. He was Chair of the Working Group on Thrombosis of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) from 2012-2014 and has been a Task Force member for several ESC guidelines on non-ST-elevation acute…

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