TAVI Discussion

Published: 09 July 2015

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  • episode_image
    27m 56s
    Part 2 Planning the Procedure
    Simon Kennon, Jonathan Byrne, Enrico Ferrari, Carlos E Ruiz, Lars Søndergaard, Corrado Tamburino
  • episode_image
    15m 39s
    Part 5 TAVI Complications
    Simon Kennon, Jonathan Byrne, Enrico Ferrari, Lars Søndergaard, Corrado Tamburino
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During PCR London Valves 2013 (UK), Radcliffe Cardiology, in association with the Interventional Cardiology Review journal, filmed a roundtable discussion entitled 'Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI)'.

The discussion was moderated by Simon Kennon, (London, UK). He was joined by expert group of physicians including Jonathan Byrne, (London, UK)Enrico Ferrari, (Lausanne, CH)Carlos Ruiz, (New York, US)Lars Søndergaard, (Copenhagen, DK) and Corrado Tamburino, (Catania, IT).

The meeting comprised of six panel discussions on a range of topical issues related to all aspects of TAVI.

More from this programme

Part 1

Session 1

Part 2

Session 2

Part 3

Session 3

Part 4

Session 4

Part 5

Session 5

Part 6

Session 6

Faculty Biographies

Simon Kennon

Simon Kennon

Consultant Cardiologist

Dr Simon Kennon qualified from Manchester Medical School in 1992. He completed general medical training in and around London (Royal Free Hospital, Southend General Hospital, Newham General Hospital and the London Chest Hospital) before training in General and Interventional Cardiology at St Bartholomew’s and the London Chest Hospitals. His training continued with a fellowship in interventional cardiology at St Vincent's Hospital, Melbourne, Australia.

He was appointed as a Consultant Cardiologist in 2005. His NHS work is divided between the London Chest Hospital (Barts Health NHS Trust) and Barnet & Chase Farms Hospital NHS Trust.

His private practice is based at the King’s Oak Hospital, the Cavell Hospital and the London Independent Hospital.

Dr Kennon is experienced in the management of all general cardiology conditions (including palpitations, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol), but his special interests are the assessment…

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Jonathan Byrne

Jonathan Byrne

PhD, MB, ChB

Dr Byrne completed his undergraduate medical training in Bristol and then continued general professional medical training in the South-East of England and London.

He then undertook a PhD in the academic department of Cardiology at King’s College Hospital examining molecular mechanisms underlying left ventricular hypertrophy. Following completion he undertook his specialist training in Cardiology on the South Thames rotation. His training in interventional cardiology was undertaken at King’s College Hospital from 2004, and continued on Vancouver Island as a sponsored Interventional Fellow.

Dr Byrne is an editorial board member of Interventional Cardiology: Reviews, Research, Resources (ICR3).

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Enrico Ferrari

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Lars Søndergaard

Lars Søndergaard

Professor Lars Søndergaard is a consultant cardiologist at Rigshospitalet – Copenhagen, Denmark. Professor of Cardiology at University of Copenhagen, he published over 300 peer reviewed articles, and more than 15 textbook chapters. His research interests are focused on adults with congenital heart diseases and catheter-based heart valve interventions, as well as congenital and structural heart diseases. He led the first-in-human transcatheter mitral valve implantation (CardiAQ) in 2012 and he actively participated to several trials, including NOTION (transcatheter vs. surgical aortic valve replacement in patients with aortic stenosis and low surgical risk), and the REDUCE randomised trial (PFO vs anti-platelet therapy after cryptogenic stroke).

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