
A Review of the Procedures in Peripheral Intervention that Require Antiplatelet Therapy

Published: 04 Nov 2013

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Among the many fascinating points discussed in this session are a number of key issues including (time of discussions within the video are listed in parenthesis):

1:03 -- A review of types of procedures in peripheral intervention that require antiplatelet therapy;
3:50 -- What does the antiplatelet therapy consist of in peripheral interventional cases?
8:00 -- Are we rational in how we are approaching the choice in terms of mono-therapy in PAD patients?
12:10 -- What is the evidence in PAD intervention in terms of the impact of clopidegrel response on the risk on negative outcomes?
15:00 -- Is there a relationship between size of the artery and thrombotic risk?
18:30 -- In terms of drug response, are there clear lessons from peripheral arterial intervention that can be taken from cardiology?
21:45 -- How common are major bleeding complications in peripheral arterial interventions?
24:05 -- Are we going to see more studies in different organ areas as we have seen in cardiology?

The panel for this session comprises:

Robert Storey, University of Sheffield, UK (Chair);

Stavros Spiliopoulos, Patras University Hospital, Rion, Greece;

Jeff Dahlen, Chief Scientific Officer at Accumetrics, US.

Radcliffe Cardiology and Interventional Cardiology Review extends its thanks to all panel members.