Managing Complications in CKD

Published: 25 February 2021

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This educational symposium was part of the eSPACE CRM meeting held on 22-24 January 2021.


The session focuses on novel therapies for Hyperkalaemia and Anaemia.


Espace CRM

This symposium was funded by an unrestricted educational grant from AstraZeneca.

Learning objectives

This educational symposium will allow the audience to:

  • Highlight the global burden of CKD and associated complications
  • Discuss the challenges in the current management paradigm for CKD and associated complications, such as RAASi optimisation and iron management
  • Review clinical and mechanistic evidence for the use of novel therapeutic interventions in treating hyperkalaemia and anaemia of CKD, in the context of traditional therapies

Symposium Agenda

Time - Session title and objective - Speaker(s)

  • 10 mins - Welcome and Introductions - Stephen Fishbone
  • 25 mins - Novel therapies for CKD complications: From evidence to practice - Adeera Levin (Canada) & Kieran McCafferty (UK)
  • 20 mins - Panel discussion an Q&A - All faculty, moderated by Stephen Fishbone
  • 5 mins - Future directions and Chair’s summary - All faculty

More from this programme

Part 1

Welcome & Introductions

Part 2

Novel therapies for CKD complications: From evidence to practice

Part 3

Panel discussion an Q&A

Part 4

Future directions and Chair’s summary

Faculty Biographies

Dr Stephen  Fishbane

Dr Stephen Fishbane

Steven Fishbane is the Chief of Nephrology of Northwell Health and Professor of Medicine at the Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell. As a nephrologist with over 25 years of clinical experience and as a medical researcher with more than 235 peer-reviewed publications, he understands and has studied many of the issues involved with patient hospitalizations,, readmissions, complications of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and issues with decision making related to end stage kidney disease (ESKD). An important part of his training has been as medical director for 5 different dialysis facilities and as Medical Director for the Healthy Transitions in Advanced Kidney Disease Program. He has been the recipient of multiple honors and holds several appointments, including to the National Quality Forum’s Standing Committee of Admissions and Readmissions. Through his clinical research, Dr. Fishbane has become renowned for advancement and innovation in the treatment of CKD patients.&nbsp…

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Dr Adeera  Levin

Dr Adeera Levin

Dr. Adeera Levin is a Professor of Medicine, Head Division of Nephrology at the University of British Columbia,  and Consultant nephrologist at Providence Health Care/ St Paul’s Hospital, in Vancouver Canada. She is also the Executive Director of the BC Renal Agency, which oversees the care, planning and budgets for Kidney services in the province of British Columbia. In this capacity, Dr. Levin has leveraged her epidemiological training, clinical knowledge, and health outcomes research to develop an evidence-based transparent system which enhances the care of patients across the continuum of care (from identification of chronic kidney disease [CKD] through to dialysis, transplant, and death).

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Kieran  McCafferty

Kieran McCafferty

Kieran McCafferty is a Consultant Nephrologist at Barts Health NHS Trust and Senior Lecturer and Queen Mary University London. His main clinical interests are diabetic kidney disease and haemodialysis. His basic science research interests are in the field of uraemic cardiovascular disease and cardiovascular protection. However he spends most of his research time developing and delivering clinical trials at both a local and national level. He has a passion for clinical trial delivery having lead on over 40 NIHR clinical trial sin the last 5 years. He is the renal clinical trials lead for Barts Health and the Diabetic Kidney disease Centre, and is the divisional director of research for specialist medicine at Barts Health and the deputy clinical director of R+D in the trust. To help deliver patients focused research across the UK he is the vice chair of the City and East London Ethics committee as well as the North Thames NIHR renal lead and deputy NIHR renal lead.

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