Highlights from London Valves – Medtronic TAVI Sessions

Published: 30 November 2021

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In this interview, Professor Haim Danenberg (Jerusalem, Israel) and Dr. Chris Malkin (Leeds, UK) summarise the London Valves Medtronic sponsored sessions.  Discover the highlights of the sessions that include TAVI durability, procedural techniques, lifetime management, clinical data, and ideas for growing your TAVI program.


Click here to watch the full sessions here.



This video series is supported by Medtronic.

Learning Objectives

  • To learn what were the highlights of Medtronic TAVI sessions during London Valves congress

Target Audience

  • Interventional cardiologists
  • General cardiologists that manage aortic stenosis
  • Cardiac surgeons

More from this programme

Part 1

Durability is the key issue: choice of the first valve matters

Discussion around the key factors that impacts TAV durability over time, the latest TAVI clinical data evidence on valve performance and durability, the role of implant precision on patient long term outcomes and a recorded TAVI case.

Part 2

Procedural aspects of TAVI patient long term management.

Summary of the Procedural aspects of TAVI patient long-term management session, with focus on the procedural PCI access after TAVI and the essentials steps about the cusp overlap implantation technique.

Part 3

Practical Solutions to grow your TAVI program

Summary of Practical solutions to grow your TAVI programme, with examples of how to use digital communication successfully, discover practical ways to implement a TAVI nurse programme and learn how to obtain resources and support from your hospital management to enable growth of your TAVI programme.

Part 4

Surtavi 5 years – What to know considering the new ESC guidelines

Summary of the recent SURTAVI 5 years study results considering the new EACTS/ESC THV guidelines

Faculty Biographies

Haim Danenberg

Haim Danenberg

Head, Interventional Cardiology at Hebrew University of Jerusalem - Hadassah

Haim Danenberg is a professor of medicine and the head of interventional cardiology at the Wolfson Medical Center in Holon, Israel. Prof. Danenberg is the chairman of the Israeli workgroup for Interventional cardiology.

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Christopher Malkin

Christopher Malkin

Christopher Malkin is a consultant interventional cardiologist at the Leeds Teaching Hospitals.

Dr Malkin is an important member of the Leeds trans-catheter aortic valve implantation programme and performs more than 100 aortic valve interventions a year and participates in major clinical trials of new technologies and training programmes for start up centres.

He was trained in Sheffield achieving an honours degree and post-graduate MD.

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