HFrEF Management: Getting to the Heart of Managing Heart Failure

Published: 20 November 2020

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In this Satellite Symposium from the e-SPACE Heart Failure Global Web-Conference, Marco Metra, John Teerlink and John Spertus discuss best practice for HRrEF Management considering the evolution in the treatment paradigm brought on by new data and new agents.

This satellite symposium was organised by Amgen, Cytokenetics & Servier

Learning objectives

  • Perspective on pathways involved in HF progression
  • Articulate the clinical utility of HRQoL and the importance of embracing QoL discussions with patients and caregivers
  • Discuss the evolution and optimization of HFrEF treatment, and opportunities that remain to improve patient outcomes despite treatment advancements
  • Review unmet medical needs of populations not typically addressed in clinical trials: impaired renal function, low blood pressure, low heart rate, symptomatic hospitalized or recently hospitalized patients and minority populations


  • Different therapeutic pathways in HFrEF (Marco Metra)
  • Addressing unmet medical needs in HFrEF (John Teerlink)
  • Advancements in the clinical utility in quality of life for patient with HFrEF (John Spertus)

More from this programme

Part 1

Different Therapeutic Pathways in HFrEF

Part 2

Addressing Unmet Medical Needs in HFrEF

Part 3

Advancements in the Clinical Utility in Quality of Life for Patient With HFrEF

Faculty Biographies

Marco Metra

Marco Metra


Marco Metra is Full Professor of Cardiology and Director of the Institute of Cardiology of the Civil Hospital and University of Brescia, Italy, and Editor-in-Chief of the European Journal of Heart Failure and Senior Consulting Editor of the European Heart Journal.

Prof Metra has been principal investigator and member of the Executive or Steering Committees of many trials in patients with heart failure. His research is focused on heart failure with, as main areas of interest, β-blocker therapy and, more recently, the assessment and treatment of the patients with acute heart failure.

He has co-chaired with Prof. Teerlink, San Francisco, CA, the phase IIB Pre-RELAX-AHF and the phase III RELAX-AHF randomized placebo controlled trials in patients with acute heart failure and is chairing the current RELAX-AHF-2 trial, which has as primary end-points the effects of serelaxin on the 180-days mortality and on in-hospital worsening heart…

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