
EuroPCR 2019: FFR-SEARCH Study

Published: 22 May 2019

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Dr Roberto Diletti (Thoraxcenter, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, NL) discusses the routine FFR measurement after PCI: a two-year follow-up of the FFR-SEARCH Study.

Filmed on site at EuroPCR 2019 by Radcliffe Cardiology



1. Please can you remind us of the FFR SEARCH study design, and the data announced to date

2. What does the two-year data tell us?

3. How should this trial influence physicians’ practice and other research in post-PCI physiology?

4. Routine FFR measurement after PCI: two-year follow-up of the FFR-SEARCH Study


Videography: Mike Knight

Interviewer: Liam O'Neill