
ESC 2020: NEDA – Diastolic Function and Mortality in 436,360 Individuals

Published: 18 Sep 2020

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Prof David Playford (The University of Notre Dame, Perth, AU) discusses diastolic function and mortality in 436,360 individuals using findings from the National Echo Database of Australia (NEDA).


1. What are the objectives behind NEDA?
2. What findings did you present at ESC? 
3. What were the methods of the study?
4. What were the study’s results?
5. What conclusions can be made? 
6. How should these findings impact guidelines?
7. What next?
8. Where else are these results being presented? 

Recorded remotely from Perth, 2020.

Interviewer: Victoria Perroud
Recording Editor: Natascha Wienand