

Published: 31 Aug 2019

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Dr David Fitchett (St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto, CA) discusses EMPA-REG OUTCOME - relationship between hypoglycaemia, outcomes and empagliflozin treatment effect

Filmed on site at ESC 2019 by Radcliffe Cardiology



1. Can you remind us what the EMPA REG OUTCOME study is and what questions it has answered to date?

2. What sub-analysis are you presenting at ESC 2019 and what further does your data tell us about the role of empagliflozin in CV disease risk reduction?

3. How does this data compare and compliment other data on SGLT2 inhibitors?

4. How will this data influence practice and do you expect the new ESC guidelines to echo these recommendations?

5. What questions for SGLT2s remain unanswered that require further research and are studies ongoing that will address these?


Videography: Mike Knight & Tom Green

Interviewer: Liam O'Neill