
Balancing the Efficiency and Safety of Antiplatelet Agents

Published: 07 Nov 2013

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Among the many fascinating points discussed in this cross-therapy session are a number of key issues including (time of discussions within the video are listed in parenthesis):

1:25 – Response to antiplatelet drugs and how we might measure the effects of the drug;
12:27 – Have we got the tests that allow us to assess the response to clopidegrel?
14:00 – What is the evidence for drug response having an impact on outcomes with peripheral vascular disease and procedures?
15:08 – In peripheral arterial stenting, is there a relationship between thrombosis and restenosis?
18:28 – In coronary treatment, are we comfortable in with how long and the intensity we continue antiplatelet therapy?
25:30 – Do we need further studies assessing the response to clopidegrel a wide range of therapeutic areas, or can we translate the studies from cardiology studies?

The panel for this session comprises:

Robert Storey,University of Sheffield, UK (Chair);

Antonio Colombo, San Raffaele Hospital, Milan, Italy;

Stavros Spiliopoulos,Patras University Hospital, Rion, Greece;

Guillaume Taylor, Fondation Ophtalmologique A de Rothschild, Paris, France

Jeff Dahlen, Chief Scientific Officer at Accumetrics, US.

Radcliffe Cardiology and Interventional Cardiology Review extends its thanks to all panel members.