The Clinical Evidence Behind Pulse Field Ablation: Safe, Simple & Effective?

Published: 14 June 2023

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    20m 31s
    Part 2 EUPORIA Registry
    Claire Martin, Mattias Duytschaever, Josef Kautzner, Boris Schmidt, Vivek Reddy
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In this engaging video series, we are joined by an esteemed faculty, co-chaired by Dr Claire Martin (Royal Papworth Hospital, UK) and Prof Josef Kautzner (Charles University Medical School, Czech Republic) who will present and discuss a series of topics surrounding the clinical evidence behind pulsed field ablation (PFA).

Dr Vivek Reddy (The Mount Sinai Hospital, US) and Dr Boris Schmidt (Centrum Bethanien, Germany) provide an overview focusing on two clinical trials: MANIFEST-PF and EUPORIA. They cover the trial design and the main outcomes in detail, discussing the overall efficacy of this technology and any safety considerations highlighted in the data.

In the latter part of this series, Dr Mattias Duytschaever (University of Ghent, Belgium) will dive into the fast evolving field of PFA and a look into the different PFA systems, whilst also touching on emerging clinical data and technologies such as PULSED-AF, InspIRE & smartfIRE and ADVENT & ADVANTAGE. 

Note, the live version of this session was CME accredited; this on-demand version is not.

This programme is supported by an unrestricted educational grant by Boston Scientific

Key Learning Objectives

  • Identify limitations of current ablation technologies
  • Recall the advantages of pulse field ablation over other technologies
  • Summarise the design, efficacy and safety findings of relevant clinical trial data evaluating the efficacy and safety of pulse field ablation technology
  • Compare different PFA systems and emerging technologies
  • Evaluate the evolving landscape of Pulse Field Ablation technologies

Target Audience

  • Electrophysiologists
  • Cardiologists
  • Interventionalists

More from this programme

Part 1

Introduction and MANIFEST PF Registry

Dr Vivek Reddy reviews the MANIFEST PF trial, reviewing 1500+ patients real world data registry including the design and findings. 

Part 2

EUPORIA Registry

Dr Boris Schmidt summarises on the design and clinical outcomes of the EUPORIA trial. 

Part 3

The Fast Evolving Field of PFA

In this concluding session, Dr Mattias Duytschaever takes a plunge into the different PFA system and clinical evidence. Dr Duytschaever reviews PFA vs standard of care and how PFA compares to thermal energies. 

Faculty Biographies

Vivek Reddy

Vivek Reddy

Director of Cardiac Arrhythmia Services

Dr Vivek Y. Reddy is Director of Cardiac Arrhythmia Services for The Mount Sinai Hospital and Director of Electrophysiology for the Mount Sinai Health System, and The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust Professor of Medicine in Cardiac Electrophysiology at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai.

Dr Reddy is one of the US's premier cardiac electrophysiologists. He leads a team of physician-scientists who are developing and testing advanced therapies for cardiac arrhythmias and heart failure, including catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation and ventricular tachycardia, and device therapies for stroke prevention. Under his leadership, Mount Sinai is the lead investigational site for many multinational clinical trials exploring new arrhythmia procedures and technologies, most recently pulsed field ablation to treat atrial fibrillation. Moreover, in 2014, he implanted the world’s first miniature leadless pacemaker, as well as the first leadless pacemaker in…

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Boris Schmidt

Boris Schmidt

Dr Boris Schmidt is a Cardiologist specialising in Electrophysiology at Cardiologisches Centrum Bethanien in Frankfurt, Germany. Dr Boris Schmidt's scientific activities are focused on catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation and the development of novel single-shot technologies as well as interventional stroke prophylaxis.



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Josef Kautzner

Josef Kautzner

Professor of Medicine

Josef Kautzner is Professor of Medicine at Charles University Medical School I in Prague, Czech Republic. A specialist in cardiology and electrophysiology, he is a Fellow of the European Society of Cardiology  and a member of the Heart Rhythm Society (HRS) and the European Heart Rhythm Association. He is also Chairman of the Working Group on Arrhythmias and Cardiac Pacing of the Czech Society of Cardiology. His clinical and research interests include prevention of sudden cardiac death, catheter ablation of different arrhythmia substrates and cardiac resynchronisation therapy.

Prof Kautzner is a member of the Arrhythmia & Electrophysiology Review editorial board.

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Claire Martin

Claire Martin

Consultant Cardiologist and Electrophysiologist

Dr Martin undertook undergraduate and clinical training at Cambridge University (Gonville and Caius College). She then completed a PhD at the University of Cambridge funded by a Medical Research Council Training Fellowship, and for this was awarded the British Cardiovascular Society Young Research Workers’ Prize. After specialist training at Papworth Hospital, she undertook clinical fellowships at two world-leading cardiac centres: Barts Heart Centre and subsequently at the Hopital du Haut-Leveque, Bordeaux, through funding from a prestigious European Society of Cardiology Training Grant.

Dr Martin treats all cardiac arrhythmias, and has a particular interest in the ablation of ventricular tachycardia and atrial fibrillation.

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Mattias Duytschaever

Mattias Duytschaever

Dr Mattias Duytschaever obtained his medical degree in 1995 from the University of Ghent and conducted research for his PhD into the role of atrial electrical remodeling in the management of atrial fibrillation , at the University of Maastricht, The Netherlands. 

Dr Duytschaever completed his training in cardiology at the Academic Hospital Ghent, Belgium, from 2000 to 2002, and became Professor in Electrophysiology at the University of Ghent in 2003. Since 2006, he has been conducting diagnostic and interventional electrophysiology at the Department of Electrophysiology at St Jan Hospital Bruges, Belgium, still providing his services as Professor in Electrophysiology at the University of Ghent.

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