
Barostim Therapy - Treatment of Resistant Hypertension

Published: 13 Jul 2014

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A sponsored Satellite Symposium by CVRx 

Innovations in Management of Hypertension at the Royal College of Physicians - 26th June 2014:

Moderator: James Blann, Business Director Northern Europe at CVRx

Topics & Speakers:

Clinical Results of Barostim Therapy in Resistant Hypertension - Dr. Eric Lovett, Senior Director of Research, CVRx

Physiologic Effects of Baroflex Activation with Barostim Therapy - Dr. Dimitris Georgakopoulos, Technical Fellow, Research Scientist, CVRx

Noise, Optimism, Denial - Avoiding the 3 Key errors in establishing a new exciting therapy - Professor Darrel Francis, St Mary's Hospital, Paddinton