Achieving Lipid Targets & Managing CV Risk: Reassessing our way with Statins

Published: 06 June 2023

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Radcliffe Medical Education are delighted to bring together this on-demand version of the Multidisciplinary Roundtable. This video series, chaired by Dr Yassir Javaid (East Midlands Clinical Network, UK) reviews two case studies created by Prof Kausik Ray (Imperial College London, UK), which cover primary and secondary cardiovascular prevention in high-risk patients uncontrolled by statins. Follow the links below to watch the two case studies pre-recorded before the roundtable discussion. 

Dr Javaid will be joined by Prof Lale Tokgözoğlu (Hacettepe University, Turkey), Prof Kausik Ray and Prof Ulrich Laufs (Leipzig University, Germany) on panelDuring the roundtable the faculty will discuss strategies to assess statin intolerance; CV outcomes associated with statin withdrawal; real-world data pertaining to guideline lipid targets; and emerging options for reducing CV events in high-risk patients. 

Case Study 1: Watch Dr Julia Brandts present a case study on a patient at High CV risk (primary prevention), statin intolerant.

Case Study 2: Watch Dr Julia Brandts present a case study on a patient on moderate statins and not reaching their goal 

*This educational programme is not intended for UK Healthcare Professionals

Note, the live version of this session was CME accredited; this on-demand version is not.


This video series is supported by an unrestricted educational grant by Daiichi-Sankyo

Key Learning Objectives

  • Recall prevalence of patients who are statin uncontrolled/intolerant
  • Define the additive benefit of combination treatment compared with statin intensification
  • Name the non-statin LLTs offering proven CV protection
  • Identifying patients with indication for novel non-statin therapy
  • Initiate lipid-lowering strategies proven to lower future CV events

Target Audience

  • Lipid Management Specialists
  • Cardiologists
  • Primary Care

More from this programme

Part 1

Introduction and Case Study Review

In this first session, Dr Yassir Javaid and Prof Kausik Ray review the pre-recorded case studies on a 58 year-old with prior MI and a 76 year-old female with polygenic hypercholesterolaemia.

Part 2

Managing CV Risk in Statin Intolerant or Statin Uncontrolled Patients

Prof Ulrich Laufs determines statin intolerant, reasons for statin withdrawal and CV outcomes associated with statin withdrawal. 

Part 3

Attaining Lipid Targets: How are we doing?

Prof Kausik Ray reviews the guidelines on lipid targets, and real-world data. 

Part 4

Reducing Major Events in High-Risk Patients: Is Statin Intensification Adequate?

Prof Lale Tokgözoğlu reviews the guidelines and clinical data recap. 

Part 5

Patient Results and Closing

In this concluding segment, the faculty revisit the patient cases and review live polling results. If you voted in our online poll, you’ll want to watch these to find out how your peers voted and to hear what our expert panel have to say. Dr Yassir Javaid then provides a summary and conclusion of the roundtable. 

Faculty Biographies

Yassir  Javaid

Yassir Javaid

GPwSI Cardiology

Dr Yassir Javaid, Cardiovascular & Diabetes Lead Northamptonshire CCG, UK. Qualified from Cambridge University and completed his GP VTS training in Northampton. He has an interest in cardiology and echocardiography and was a clinical lead in the Northamptonshire Community Cardiology service, which had a focus on patients with heart failure and valve disease. Dr Javaid was named Pulse “GP of the Year” in 2015 for his work in reducing stroke emergency admissions in the East Midlands. He is also a council member of the British Heart Valve Society, accredited member of the British Society of Echocardiography and on the editorial board for the British Journal of Cardiology.

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Kausik (Kosh) Ray

Kausik (Kosh) Ray

Professor of Public Health

Professor Kausik Ray is currently Professor of Public Health, Deputy Director of Imperial Clinical Trials Unit and Head of Commercial Trials within the Department of Public Health and Primary Care, School of Public Health, Imperial College London, Consultant Cardiologist and Chief Clinical Officer and Head of Trials – Discover Now as well as NIHR ARC National Lead of Cardiovascular Disease.

Prof Ray received his medical education (MB ChB, 1991) at the University of Birmingham Medical School, his MD (2004) at the University of Sheffield, a postdoctoral fellowship at Harvard Medical School and finally an MPhil in epidemiology (2007) from the University of Cambridge.
A Fellow of the American College of Cardiology, the European Society of Cardiology, the American Heart Association and the Royal College of Physicians, Kausik Ray is also a member of the British Cardiovascular Society and President-Elect of the European Atherosclerosis Society, also serving on the EAS Consensus…

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Lale Tokgözoğlu

Lale Tokgözoğlu

Professor Cardiology, Haceteppe University, Ankara, Turkey

S. Lale Tokgözoglu is Professor of Cardiology at Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey. She is currently the President of the European Atherosclerosis Society and Deputy Editor of the European Heart Journal. She chaired the ‘Atherosclerosis and Vascular Biology Working Group of the European Society of Cardiology’ between 2008 and 2010. Professor Tokgözoglu has served on the Board of the Turkish Society of Cardiology and was elected to be the first female President of the Society in its history, between 2014-2016. During that time, she worked with the Ministry of Health to develop ‘Heart Health policies’ and strategies. She also chaired the Dyslipidaemia Working Group of the Turkish Society of Cardiology.

Professor Tokgözoglu has contributed to several Guidelines and Consensus Papers on dyslipidaemia and Preventive Cardiology both in Europe and nationally. She was a member of the Steering Committee of the EUROASPIRE studies and has also served on the Board of the Prevention…

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Ulrich Laufs

Ulrich Laufs

Professor of Cardiology at Leipzig University

Ulrich Laufs is Chair and Professor of Cardiology at Leipzig University, Germany. Professor Laufs has published multiple experimental and clinical studies in the areas of ‘heart failure’, ‘heart and brain’ and ‘prevention’ with special interest in lipoprotein metabolism. He has received numerous honours, serves in several editorial boards of international cardiovascular journals and holds positions in cardiovascular societies.



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