
ACC 2021: Findings from the WASE COVID Study

Published: 19 May 2021

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Dr Federico M Asch (MedStar Health Research Institute, Georgetown University, WA, US) discusses the results of a study comparing human vs machine learning-based echocardiography analysis applied as a predictor of outcomes in acute Covid-19 patients.

1. What are the benefits of the machine learning approach in echocardiography analysis?
2. What is the WASE COVID Study?
3. What was the study design, patient population and endpoints?
4. What are the main findings of this study?
5. What conclusions can be made and what are the implications on practice?
6. What are the next steps?
+ What are take-home messages from this study?

Recorded remotely from Washington, 2021. 

Interviewer: Mirjam Boros

Videography:Tom Green, Oliver Miles