The Radcliffe Cardiology Podcast
33 Episodes
The Radcliffe Cardiology Podcast

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The Radcliffe Cardiology Podcast brings you the latest advancements, research and best practices in the field of cardiology. Each episode features expert insights and engaging discussions with leading healthcare professionals, covering a breadth of topics in cardiovascular science.

Our podcast aims to build on the best science, with key takeaways from the top cardiology conferences and recent publications from our journals.


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All Episodes
Targeting Inflammation in Atherosclerosis: Inflammation and Atherosclerosis
EP13 • May 13, 2022 • 8m 39s
Inflammation and Atherosclerosis – What is the Link with CKD? Join Prof Juan Carlos Kaski (St George’s University of London, UK) and Prof Lina Badimon (Hospital of Santa Creu and San Pau, Barcelona, Spain) as they discuss that very question.
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Targeting Inflammation in Atherosclerosis: Therapeutic Targets and Mode of Action
EP12 • May 16, 2022 • 6m 42s
Prof Juan Carlos Kaski (St George’s University of London, UK) alongside Dr Peter Libby (Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, US) provide us with a short and concise discussion regarding Therapeutic Targets and Mode of Action.
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Targeting Inflammation in Atherosclerosis: Inflammatory Signalling in Atherosclerosis and CKD
EP11 • May 13, 2022 • 8m 36s
Inflammatory Signalling in Atherosclerosis and CKD is the topic of interest in this short peer to peer discussion involving Prof Juan Carlos Kaski (St George’s University of London, UK) and Prof Paul Ridker (Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, US).

Supported by an unrestricted educational grant from NOVO NORDISK A/S.
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Targeting Inflammation in Atherosclerosis: Unmet Clinical Needs in Atherosclerosis and Chronic Kidney Disease
EP10 • May 13, 2022 • 9m 50s
Prof Juan Carlos Kaski (St George’s University of London, UK) is joined by Prof Paul Ridker (Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, US) to discuss Unmet Clinical Needs in Atherosclerosis and Chronic Kidney Disease where they cover topics such as elevated hsCRP and chronic kidney disease.
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Targeting Inflammation in Atherosclerosis: COLCOT Trial
EP9 • Apr 22, 2022 • 5m 13s
Prof Jean-Claude Tardif (Montreal Heart Institute, Canada) gives us a comprehensive overview of the COLCOT trial.
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Targeting Inflammation in Atherosclerosis: LoDoCo2 Trial
EP8 • Apr 22, 2022 • 5m 3s
In this LoDoCo2 presentation, Dr Aernoud Fiolet (University Medical Center Utrecht, Netherlands) covers the trial design and main results.

Supported by an unrestricted educational grant from NOVO NORDISK A/S.

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Targeting Inflammation in Atherosclerosis: RESCUE Trial
EP7 • Apr 12, 2022 • 4m 22s
Join Dr Peter Libby (Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, US) as he talks us through the RESCUE trial design and results in this short podcast.
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Targeting Inflammation in Atherosclerosis: CANTOS Trial
EP6 • Apr 12, 2022 • 6m 19s
Prof Paul Ridker (Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, US) provides us with an overview of the CANTOS main trial results and updated results from the ACC 2022.
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Ep 5: Invasive Diagnosis of Coronary Functional Disorder
EP5 • Mar 25, 2022 • 29m 28s
Did you know that coronary vasomotion disorders are a frequent cause of angina in patients with non-obstructed coronary arteries? In this month's episode of the ECR podcast, Dr Andreas Seitz and Dr Peter Ong (Robert-Bosch Hospital, Stuttgart, DE) return to discuss their recent article on the diagnosis of coronary disorders which cause angina ( from ECR Journal.
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Ep 4: The EXCEL Trial: The Interventionalists’ Perspective
EP4 • Jan 28, 2022 • 12m 40s
In this month's featured author episode of the ECR Podcast, interventional fellow Dr George Hunter (Bedfordshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Bedford, UK) discusses the EXCEL trial from his perspective as a member of the PCI community, based on a recent review paper from the ECR Journal. In this podcast, Dr Hunter discusses the controversy surrounding the trial and the importance of studying left main stem disease in cardiology today.
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View from the Thoraxcenter: EuroPCR 24 Preview
EP33 • May 07, 2024 • 26m 3s
Join interventional experts, Prof Nicolas Van Mieghem and Dr Joost Daemen from Erasmus MC's Thoraxcenter for an insightful preview of the late-breaking science data to look out for at the 2024 EuroPCR meeting.
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View from the Thoraxcenter: ACC.24 Wrap Up
EP32 • Apr 15, 2024 • 43m 48s
Join Prof Nicolas Van Mieghem and Dr Joost Daemen from Erasmus MC, Rotterdam for a deep dive into the late-breaking data presented at ACC.24.
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ACC.24 Late-breaking Science Preview
EP31 • Mar 25, 2024 • 28m 10s
What’s hot at ACC.24?

Join interventional experts, Prof Nicolas Van Mieghem and Dr Joost Daemen (Thoraxcenter, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, NL) to learn more about this year’s key late-breaking and featured science trials that have the potential to shape practice and research.
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VHPSD versus Conventional Catheter Ablation in AF
EP30 • Dec 14, 2023 • 29m 53s
In this episode of the Radcliffe Podcast, we are joined by Dr Raymond Pranata, Dr Mohammad Iqbal and Dr Giky Karwiky (Hasan Sadikin General Hospital, Bandung, Indonesia) as they discuss their recently published systematic review and meta-analysis of very-high-power short-duration ablation as compared to conventional ablation for the treatment of pulmonary vein isolation in atrial fibrillation.
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View from the Thoraxcenter: AHA 23 Wrap Up
EP29 • Nov 20, 2023 • 23m 14s
Join Prof Nicolas Van Mieghem and Dr Joost Daemen (Thoraxcentre, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, NL) as they review the latest late-breaking science data from AHA Scientific Sessions 2023.
They interpret the evidence from five key trials, providing context, asking thought-provoking questions to translate the data into key take-home messages for practice and research.
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