In the landmark centennial episode of Parallax, Dr Ankur Kalra welcomes a true luminary in the field of cardiology, Dr Valentin Fuster.
Dr Valentin Fuster, a renowned cardiologist, currently holds multiple roles. He serves as the Director of the Cardiovascular Institute and as the Physician-in-Chief at the Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York. Additionally, Dr Fuster is the General Director of the Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares Carlos III (CNIC) in Madrid. Notably, he also holds the position of Editor-in-Chief at the Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC).
In this candid and rich episode, Dr Fuster delves into his upbringing in Barcelona and reflects on the influential role his family played in providing him with role models and a sense of freedom during his formative years. Dr Fuster invites us to contemplate the concepts of mentorship and trust by recounting pivotal moments from his life, revealing how these principles propelled him towards a life of fulfilment.
Dr Kalra and Dr Fuster revisit one of the central questions explored in Dr Fuster's book, "The Circle of Motivation" – how can one maintain a positive outlook and prepare for life's inevitable fluctuations? Dr Fuster shares insights into his daily routine, which aids him in reflection, tuning into his intuition, and making choices that align with his true self.
While discussing his priorities, we gain insight into Dr Fuster's projects, driven by the concern that we do not intervene early enough in the treatment of individuals. Dr Kalra and Dr Fuster engage in a discussion about Dr Fuster's thoughts on JACC and Dr Fuster outlines the key principles of leadership in various contexts, accompanied by examples from his own life. Dr Kalra seeks Dr Fuster's perspective on augmentative intelligence and the future of medicine, shedding light on what Dr Fuster believes is essential for contemporary medical education in light of the transformative impact of AI.
Finally, Dr Fuster shares three influential books that have shaped his thinking, along with a message for our listeners.
JACC Journals’ Pathway Forward With AI Tools: The Future Is Now
The Circle of Motivation

Join Dr Ankur Kalra in conversation with Dr Edward Fry, former President of the American College of Cardiology, as they explore how the pandemic catalyzed lasting changes in cardiovascular care delivery.

Join Dr Ankur Kalra in conversation with Dr Edward Fry, former President of the American College of Cardiology, as they explore how the pandemic catalyzed lasting changes in cardiovascular care delivery.