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Transcatheter Interventions Online | Day 1 – Structural Heart Interventions

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The programme aims to educate interventionalists and allied healthcare professionals on the practical implications of the latest clinical data, device selection and procedural strategies impacting optimum patient care. To further illustrate this, the event will feature a number of practical demonstrations in the form of live cases broadcast from cardiovascular centres of excellence globally, interspersed with presentations and debate sessions.

CME Accreditation

This three-day programme has been accredited by the European Board for Accreditation in Cardiology (EBAC) for a total of 12 CME points, equating to 12 hours of learning (4 hours per day). Physicians may convert EBAC External CME credits to AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™.

Each participant should claim only those hours of credit that have actually been spent in the educational activity. EBAC works according to the quality standards of the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME), which is an institution of the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS).

Through an agreement between the European Board for Accreditation in Cardiology and the American Medical Association, physicians may convert EBAC External CME credits to AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Information on the process to convert EBAC credit to AMA credit can be found on the AMA website https://www.ama-assn.org/

Day 1 - Structural Heart Interventions

10th June 4-8pm CEST (10am – 2pm ET)

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Day 2: Complex & High Risk Indicated PCI

11th June 4-8pm CEST (10am – 2pm ET)

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Day 3: Updates on recent trials & future technologies

12th June 4-8pm CEST (10am – 2pm ET)

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Nicolas M Van Mieghem

Nicolas M Van Mieghem

Kendra J Grubb

Kendra J Grubb

David Hildick-Smith

David Hildick-Smith

Holger Thiele

Holger Thiele

This live stream is supported by


4 - 5pm: PART 1.1 - TAVI Focus - 60 minutes

Intro: Nicolas Van Mieghem
SESSION CHAIRS: Nicolas Van Mieghem, Roxana Mehran
SESSION PANEL: Azeem Latib, Lars Sondergaard, Didier Tchetche, Kendra Grubb

1. Randomized TAVR/TAVI trials - How to interpret and integrate into clinical practice. How to update existing TAVR/TAVI guidelines – 10 minutes
10 minutes discussion – Nicolas Van Mieghem

2. TAVI and the conduction conundrum – 10 minutes
10 minutes discussion – Lars Sondergaard

3. TAVI in bicuspid AS – a balanced perspective – 10 minutes
10 minutes discussion – Didier Tchetche

5 - 6pm: PART 1.2 - Live TAVI Cases - 60 minutes

1. Erasmus Medical Center, NL (TAVI in Failed Bioprosthesis)

2. Brighton (TAVI in a Calcified Aorta)

6 - 7pm: PART 1.3 - Mitral & Tricuspid Focus - 60 minutes

SESSION CHAIRS: Ajay Kirtane, Azeem Latib
SESSION PANEL: Nicolas Van Mieghem, Lars Sondergaard, Kendra Grubb, Holger Thiele

1. Updated Insights on COAPT and MITRA-FR, and next steps – 10 minutes
10 minutes discussion – Nicolas Van Mieghem

2. TMVR – 10 minutes
10 minutes discussion – Kendra Grubb

3. Updated Insights on COAPT and MITRA-FR, and next steps – 10 minutes
10 minutes discussion – Nicolas Van Mieghem

7 - 7.50pm: PART 1.4 - Mitral & Tricuspid Live Cases - 50 minutes

SESSION CHAIRS: Ajay Kirtane, Azeem Latib
SESSION PANEL: Nicolas Van Mieghem, Lars Sondergaard, Kendra Grubb, Holger Thiele

1. Emory Medical Center, US (Valve in MAC post-LAMPOON)

2. Leipzig, DE (Tricuspid Edge-to-Edge Repair)

7.50pm: Wrap up of Day 1

Led by Nicolas Van Mieghem - 10 minutes

Learning Objectives

Following the activities, the participants will be able to:

  • Evaluate emerging clinical data related to interventional cardiology practice including for both devices and pharmacology
  • Recognise the latest interventional approaches for SHD and Complex PCI available for the optimal management of CV patients
  • Assess the merits of adopting emerging technologies within their practice
  • Apply the practical guidance to maximise success of their interventional procedures within TAVR, Mitral & Tricuspid Valve Replacement and Complex PCIs
  • Interact with opinion leaders in their profession

Target Audience

  • Cardiologists, interventionalists and surgeons who are involved and/or interested in transcatheter treatment strategies for coronary and structural heart disease.

Faculty Biographies

Nicolas M Van Mieghem

Nicolas M Van Mieghem

Prof Nicolas Maria Van Mieghem is an Interventional cardiologist at Thoraxcenter, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, NL decided to pursue a career that would help others.

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Kendra J Grubb

Kendra J Grubb

Dr Kendra Grubb is the surgical director of the Emory Structural Heart and Valve Center. She is also an associate professor of surgery at Emory University School of Medicine.

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David Hildick-Smith

David Hildick-Smith

Prof David Hildick-Smith is Professor of Interventional Cardiology and Consultant Cardiologist at the Sussex Cardiac Centre - the Regional Specialist Unit.

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Holger Thiele

Holger Thiele

Dr Holger Thiele, former director and full professor in the Department of Internal Medicine/Cardiology/Angiology of the University Heart Center Lübeck at the University of Lübeck has been nominated by the faculty of the University of Leipzig as full Professor and Director of the Department of Int

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