92nd EAS Congress
The European Atherosclerosis Society (EAS) and the New French Society of Atherosclerosis extend a warm invitation to all to join the 92nd EAS Congress in the picturesque city of Lyon. Lyon, known as the capital of the Gauls during the Roman Empire, boasts a rich culinary tradition, architectural landmarks designated by UNESCO as a World Heritage Centre, and is today a thriving economic hub, being the second-largest student city in France.
Building on the success of the recent Mannheim congress, the 92nd EAS Congress offers both in-person and virtual attendance options. Participants will explore the latest advancements in basic, translational, and clinical research related to the causes of atherosclerosis and vascular diseases. This research will impact clinical guidelines for diagnosis and treatment. The congress's hallmark is the high-level interdisciplinary exchange between clinicians and basic researchers. With the participation of renowned experts, EAS 2024's scientific program promises insights into the most current research in the field. This includes the prestigious Anitschkow Lecture, captivating Keynote Lectures, cutting-edge Plenary Sessions, and targeted Workshops and Advanced Clinical Seminars. The organizers firmly believe in the power of personal meetings, allowing attendees to present their work, exchange ideas, and ignite innovation during the Science at a Glance and Poster Sessions.
EAS is committed to nurturing the next generation of scientists through Young Investigator Fellowships. This invaluable initiative enables early-career scientists to participate in the Congress, present their research, engage with the scientific program, and connect with peers in the field. Information on Fellowships can be found on the Society's website, and abstract submissions from young scientists are welcomed.
Start date
End date
Centre de Congrès de Lyon (CCC-Lyon)
50 Quai Charles de Gaulle
Lyon 69463
Email adress
+41 22 908 0488