Maciej Banach
President of the Polish Mother's Memorial Hospital
Professor Maciej Banach is President of the Polish Mother's Memorial Hospital - Research Institute (PMMHRI), Head of the Cardiovascular Research Centre at University of Zielona Gora and Professor of Cardiology at the Medical University of Lodz (MUL) and PMMHRI in Poland.
Prof Lale Tokgozoglu, Kausik Ray, Maciej Banach, et al
Maciej Banach, Yassir Javaid, Lale Tokgözoğlu, et al
Kausik Ray, Lale Tokgözoğlu, Maciej Banach, et al
Carlos Aguiar, Maciej Banach et al
Articles by Maciej Banach, President of the Polish Mother's Memorial Hospital
Yoshihiro J Akashi, Giuseppe Barbaro, Maciej Banach, et al
Citation: Asia-Pacific Cardiology 2011;3(1):60-3