Gaetano Antonio Lanza

Gaetano Antonio Lanza

Associate Professor


Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rome, IT

  • OrcidID


Prof Gaetano Antonio Lanza heads the section of Non-Invasive Diagnostic Cardiology at the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine at the Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli IRCCS in Rome, Italy. He is also a Fellow of the European Society of Cardiology, and an associate professor at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rome, Italy.

His research interests include pathophysiology and ischemic heart disease, including coronary artery spasm, electrocardiography, cardiac autonomic function, arrhythmias and endothelial function. 

Prof Gaetano Antonio Lanza is on the Editorial Board of European Cardiology Review.

Articles by Gaetano Antonio Lanza, Associate Professor

Assessment of the Ischaemic Effects of Myocardial Bridge by Echocardiographic Exercise Stress Test

Priscilla Lamendola , Nello Cambise, Antonio Di Renzo, et al


Citation: European Cardiology Review 2024;19:e09.

Management of Coronary Artery Spasm

Gaetano Antonio Lanza, Hiroaki Shimokawa,


Citation: European Cardiology Review 2023;18:e38.

Diagnostic Approach to Patients with Stable Angina and No Obstructive Coronary Arteries

Gaetano Antonio Lanza,


Citation: European Cardiology Review 2019;14(2):97–102

‘Primary’ Microvascular Angina: Clinical Characteristics, Pathogenesis and Management

Gaetano Antonio Lanza, Juan Carlos Kaski,

Citation: Interventional Cardiology Review 2018;13(3):108–11