Dr David Calvo Cuervo

David Calvo Cuervo

University Central Hospital of Asturias, Spain


Dr David Calvo Cuervo is a Consultant in Cardiology, Invasive and Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology at the University Central Hospital of Asturias, Spain. He has trained at the Central University Hospital of Asturias, Universidad Complutense Madrid, and Central University Hospital Gregorio Marañón in Spain. In 2007 he completed a Research Fellowship in Experimental Cardiac Electrophysiology at the Centre for Arrhythmia Research at Upstate Medical University in Syracuse, New York, USA. He has published multiple papers on Mapping Fibrillation and Drivers. Dr Calvo has received several awards for publications and research projects including from the Cardiac Electrophysiology Society (USA) and Spanish Society of Cardiology.



Non-Invasive 3D Mapping: Principle, Clinical Applications and Outlook

Phillip Cuculich, Pier D Lambiase, David Calvo Cuervo, et al

Watch time: 55m 48s

Articles by David Calvo Cuervo

Comment on the ESC Guidelines 2022 for the Management of Patients with Ventricular Arrhythmias and the Prevention of Sudden Cardiac Death

David Calvo Cuervo,


Citation: European Cardiology Review 2023;18:e01.