Transcatheter Interventions Online 2023 - On Demand

Published: 17 March 2023

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    1m 21s
    Part 1 | Session 8 Day Close Nicolas M Van Mieghem
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Welcome to the on-demand sessions of Transcatheter Interventions Online 2023, broadcast live on 15-17 March 2023. If you missed the live broadcast, here you can access all sessions in full.


TIO 2023 brought together a leading international faculty to create a rich, interactive experience to support the global interventional cardiology community stay abreast of the latest developments in transcatheter treatment strategies. Combining expert opinion and discussion, presentations and live cases from centres of excellence from both sides of the Atlantic, TIO 2023 again delivered best-in-class learning, supporting the latest in diagnosis, treatment strategies and patient management.

The live version of Transcatheter Interventions Online 2023 was CME-accredited. This on-demand version is not.

A CME-accredited version of each session of TIO 2023 is now available on Radcliffe Medical Education.







Transcatheter Interventions Online 2023 was supported by the following partners:

Key Learning Objectives

  • Compare the utility of repair and replacement valve technology in mitral regurgitation
  • Individualise valve choice for aortic regurgitation based on valve durability and patient features
  • Recall the utility and limitations of specialty balloons
  • Evaluate emerging approaches to the treatment of complex left main and other coronary bifurcation lesions
  • Discuss the impact of PCI on top of optimal medical therapy in ischaemic left ventricular systolic dysfunction
  • Identify suitable patients for interatrial shunting
  • Discuss the merits of alternative antiplatelet strategies to DAPT in ACS and CCS following PCI

Target Audience

  • Interventional Cardiologists
  • Surgeons with an interest in transcatheter treatment strategies for coronary and structural heart disease
  • Interventional Cardiology Nurses

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Faculty Biographies

Jacek Legutko

Jacek Legutko

Prof Jacek Legutko is an Interventional Cardiologist at Jagiellonian University Medical College, Head of the Clinical Department of Interventional Cardiology, John Paul II Hospital in Krakow and Chair of the Scientific Congress Committee of the Polish Cardiac Society.

Prof Jacek Legutko's main research interest is primary PCI in acute myocardial infarction, intravascular imaging and physiology-guided therapy in coronary artery disease and complex percutaneous coronary interventions. 

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Joost Daemen

Joost Daemen

Interventional Cardiologist

Dr Joost Daemen, MD, PhD is a senior interventional cardiologist at the Thorax Center, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, NL. Dr Daemen obtained his degree in medicine at the Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam in 2005 and did 2 years of internal medicine training and 4 years of general cardiology training at the Thoraxcenter, Rotterdam. 

Dr Daemen is actively involved in several drug-eluting stent trials and is Principal Investigator of four trials focusing on the safety and efficacy of renal sympathetic denervation in hypertension, heart failure, vasospastic angina and heart failure. Dr Daemen is a member of the editorial board of EuroIntervention and the Netherlands Heart Journal, member of Young ICIN, and has completed courses in biomedical statistics and device training.

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Tomas Kovarnik

Tomas Kovarnik

Associated Professor of Internal Medicine

Dr Tomas Kovarnik is Head of the Invasive Cardiology Department from 2015 and Associated Professor of Internal Medicine at the Charles University in Prague (Czech).

Dr Tomas Kovarnik's main fields of interest are in development and regression of coronary atherosclerosis, plaque risk features, coronary physiology, invasive coronary imaging modalities, TAVI and acute cardiac care.

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