Optimising the Use of Contemporary Invasive Imaging for PCI

Published: 06 July 2021

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Contemporary invasive imaging techniques improve the detection of coronary details and have great potential for improving clinical outcomes, due the lower risk of in-stent restenosis and thrombosis. This webinar series provides an overview of the current use of intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) and optical coherence tomography (OCT), the relative advantages of each technique and real-world insight from imaging experts.


This programme has been designed to offer education on proper image acquisition, interpretation, and correct decision-making to optimise the use of contemporary imaging.


Note, this on-demand version is not CME accredited. 

This video series is supported by an unrestricted education grant by

Learning Objectives

  • Incorporate contemporary imaging for PCI in appropriate patients
  • Differentiate between modern imaging techniques based on clinical data
  • Recall best practices for image acquisition, interpretation and decision-making
  • Interpret image data and make clinical decisions generated from existing case study data

Target Audience

  • Interventional cardiologists
  • Physicians within the peripheral intervention space
  • Imaging specialists

More from this programme

Part 1

Imaging vs angiography-led PCI: An overview for DES implantation

In this first broadcast of the series, Joost Daemen, Paolo Canova and Margaret McEntegart consider the fundamentals of imaging and angiography and ask what the advantages are with using an imaging-led approach to PCI.

Part 2

Imaging vs angiography-led PCI: What does success look like?

In this broadcast we hear from Evan Shlofmitz, Nieves Gonzalo and Jonathan Hill as they discuss the use of imaging and angiography for procedural planning and PCI optimisation. Through the use of cases, we explore how imaging has been used to maximise successful stent implantation.

Part 3

Intracoronary imaging for PCI: A practical approach to OCT

In this broadcast, Evald Høj Christiansen, Matthias Lutz and Claudia Cosgrove discuss how to optimise the use of contemporary invasive imaging for PCI in appropriate patients and present a number of case-studies in which these imaging techniques have been applied.

Part 4

Imaging-based Procedure-planning with OCT: Application to Clinical Practice

In this broadcast, Natalia Pinilla-Echeverri, Matheen Khuddus and Jacob Odenstedt discuss adopting OCT into routine practice and discuss typical applications and patient types.

Faculty Biographies

Evan Shlofmitz

Evan Shlofmitz

Interventional Cardiologist

Dr Evan Shlofmitz is an Interventional Cardiologist at St. Francis Hospital & Heart Center, New York, US. He is also Executive Director of Optimizing PCI (OPCI).

His research interests include intravascular imaging and physiology, calcified coronary artery disease and PCI optimisation, with over 140 publications in peer-reviewed journals.



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