Malaysia in Focus - ARNI Data and its Implications on Clinical Practice

Published: 09 September 2020

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This educational programme focuses on placing recent data on ARNIs in Heart Failure into perspective for a Malaysian audience

This programme was supported by an unrestricted educational grant from Novartis.

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Faculty Biographies

Azmee Mohd Ghazi

Azmee Mohd Ghazi

Dr Azmee Mohd Ghazi is a Cardiologist at the National Heart Centre, Malaysia, where he serves as Clinical Director for Heart Failure and Heart Transplant. Specialising in coronary intervention, cardiac transplantation, advanced adult heart failure and pulmonary hypertension, Dr Azmee undertakes a number of procedures including coronary intervention (PCI), right heart catheterisation, and echocardiography.

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James L Januzzi

James L Januzzi

Director of the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit

Dr James L Januzzi,  is an Associate Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School and Director of the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit at Massachusetts General Hospital. He has an in-depht experience as a teacher and leads a research programme with specific focus on cardiac biomarker testing.

Dr Januzzi was the top-ranked graduate in his class at New York Medical College. He completed an internship and residency at Brigham and Women’s Hospital prior to performing a clinical and research fellowship in cardiovascular medicine at the Massachusetts General Hospital, where he also completed a fellowship in cardiac ultrasound. 

He speaks widely on the topic of biomarker testing in heart disease and treatment of heart failure.  He has served as the Cardiology Consultant to the Boston Red Sox since 2005.

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Akshay S Desai

Akshay S Desai

Prof Akshay Desai is a cardiovascular medicine specialist and the director of the Cardiomyopathy and Heart Failure Program at Brigham and Women’s Hospital. Dr Desai’s research focuses on improving care and outcomes for HF patients, as well as strategies to reduce heart failure readmissions. 

Prof Desai received his medical degree from HMS. He completed an internal medicine residency as well as fellowships in cardiovascular medicine, vascular medicine and advanced heart disease at BWH. He is board certified in and cardiovascular disease, as well as advanced heart failure and transplant cardiology.

His clinical interests include advanced heart failure, cardiomyopathies (myocarditis, amyloidosis, sarcoidosis), congenital heart disease and cardiac transplantation. His research has received support from the American College of Cardiology and the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute.

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