Malaysia in Focus - ARNI Data and its Implications on Clinical Practice

Published: 09 September 2020

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    Carolyn Lam, Wan Azman Wan Ahmad
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This educational programme focuses on placing recent data on ARNIs in Heart Failure into perspective for a Malaysian audience

This programme was supported by an unrestricted educational grant from Novartis.

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Faculty Biographies

Carolyn Lam

Carolyn Lam

Professor and Senior Consultant

Prof Carolyn Lam is a Senior Consultant at the Department of Cardiology and Director of Women's Heart Health at the National Heart Centre Singapore, having pioneered the first Women’s Heart Clinic in Singapore. Prof Lam is a world-renowned specialist in heart failure (particularly heart failure with preserved ejection fraction [HFpEF]). Her work in the PARAGON-HF and EMPEROR-Preserved trials led to the first FDA-approved treatment for HFpEF and the first robustly positive clinical outcomes trial in HFpEF to-date.

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Wan Azman  Wan Ahmad

Wan Azman Wan Ahmad

Professor and Senior Consultant Cardiologist

Prof Wan Azman Wan Ahmad is Professor and Senior Consultant Cardiologist at University of Malaya Medical Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He currently serves as President of the National Heart Association of Malaysia.

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