Implementing Heart Failure Guidelines with Collaborative Care

Published: 01 September 2023

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    Part 3
    Audience Q&A
    Carolyn Lam, Carys Barton, Stephen J Greene, Mark Petrie, Gianluigi Savarese
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    2m 38s
    Part 2 | Session 1 Patient Vignette Carolyn Lam, Carys Barton, Stephen J Greene, Mark Petrie, Gianluigi Savarese
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    8m 35s
    Part 2 | Session 4 The Heart Failure Team Carolyn Lam, Carys Barton, Stephen J Greene, Mark Petrie, Gianluigi Savarese
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This satellite symposium, chaired by Prof Carolyn Lam (National Heart Centre Singapore, SG), provides an excellent opportunity to learn about the latest guideline recommendations in HFpEF and how to implement them effectively in clinical practice.


The panel of experts, including Dr Gianluigi Savarese (Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, SE), Dr Stephen Greene (Duke University School of Medicine, North Carolina, US), Prof Mark Petrie (University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK) and Carys Barton (Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, London, UK) provide valuable insights into the challenges and barriers faced while adopting new guideline-directed medical therapy for heart failure patients. Collaborative care is an essential aspect of heart failure therapy and this session emphasises the significance of cross-functional teams in managing this condition.


Presented and recorded, at ESC 2023 in Amsterdam, NL.

This Satellite Symposium is supported by an unrestricted educational grant from AstraZeneca who had no involvement in the content.

Key Learning Objectives

  • Appraise new updates in heart failure guideline-directed medical therapy (GDMT)
  • Apply latest guideline recommendations to patient cases
  • Describe barriers preventing early initiation of GDMT
  • Identify the roles of nurses and other healthcare professionals to achieve optimal heart failure therapy
  • Identify the importance of the nurse/cross-functional team

Target Audience

  • Cardiologists
  • Heart Failure Specialists
  • Primary Care Physicians
  • Nurses, Pharmacists
  • Other Allied HCPs

More from this programme

Part 1

Introduction and Part 1: Addressing New Guidelines

Part 3

Audience Q&A

Faculty Biographies

Carolyn Lam

Carolyn Lam

Professor and Senior Consultant

Prof Carolyn Lam is a Senior Consultant at the Department of Cardiology and Director of Women's Heart Health at the National Heart Centre Singapore, having pioneered the first Women’s Heart Clinic in Singapore. Prof Lam is a world-renowned specialist in heart failure (particularly heart failure with preserved ejection fraction [HFpEF]). Her work in the PARAGON-HF and EMPEROR-Preserved trials led to the first FDA-approved treatment for HFpEF and the first robustly positive clinical outcomes trial in HFpEF to-date.

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Carys Barton

Carys Barton

Heart Failure Nurse Consultant

Carys Barton is a heart failure consultant nurse at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust in London, UK.

Carys is Chair elect of the British Society for Heart Failure and secretary to the British Association for Nursing in Cardiovascular Care (BANCC). Carys works on several projects with policy makers to improve provision and access to HF services and is a keen supporter of heart failure patient charities. Her goal is to ensure equitable, consistent and excellent standards of care for people living with heart failure.

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Stephen J Greene

Stephen J Greene

Assistant Professor, Division of Cardiology

Dr Greene is a cardiologist with a clinical and research interest in improving quality of care and outcomes for patients with heart failure.  He has been a co-investigator and co-author of multiple national and international heart failure trials studying medical therapies for heart failure. He has also served on leadership committees and led multiple analyses from national and international heart failure registries characterising the quality of heart failure care.  Dr Greene’s collaborative work has led to more than 350 publications in peer-reviewed journals.  

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Mark Petrie

Mark Petrie

Professor/Honorary Consultant (Institute of Cardiovascular & Medical Sciences)

Prof Mark Petrie is Professor of Cardiology in the Institute of Cardiovascular and Medical Sciences at the University of Glasgow, UK. Prof Petrie started his studies as an undergraduate at Edinburgh University, before training in cardiology in Glasgow. He worked as a heart failure and interventional cardiologist for many years before transferring to the University of Glasgow in 2016.

Prof Petrie's research interests focus on diabetes and cardiovascular disease in heart failure, structural intervention and revascularization in heart failure, peripartum cardiomyopathy, microvascular disease in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction, postmyocardial infarction cardiac remodeling, iron in heart failure, and cardio-oncology. While Prof Petrie has many research interests, he also takes pleasure in mentoring future high-caliber cardiologists and has supervised many outstanding individuals during their PhDs and MDs.

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Gianluigi Savarese

Gianluigi Savarese

Associate Professor of Cardiology

Prof Gianluigi Savarese is currently an Associate Professor of Cardiology and Heart Failure Specialist at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden. 

Prof Savarese has served on the board for the European Society of Cardiology's Heart Failure Association since 2020, and has previously been a Nucleus member of a working group on Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy for the ESC. He is a member of the Italian Society of Cardiology, and the Swedish Society of Cardiology. 

Prof Savarese attended the University of Naples Federico II University for his degree in Surgery and Medicine between 2004 - 2010. He then went on to stay at the same institution until 2016 as he completed his Specialism in Cardiovascular Diseases. He then continued his postgraduate studies at the University of Zurich between 2015-2017, where he continued his studies into Heart Failure. Finally, Prof Savarese completed his PhD at the Karolinska Institutet in 2018. 

Prof Savarese has…

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Robert Chun
Good overview. Excellent bullet points!